compiled by Elizabeth Price, Business Librarian
Archived Scholarly Output
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Anaza, E., & Hallmon, A. (2020). Thoughts and attitudes towards mimicking regulations and policy interpretations similar to title IX. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(3), 365-386. doi:10.1080/19406940.2020.1799842
Bae, S., Kwon, J. M., & Bosley, A. (2020). Factors influencing consumers' rejection to smartphone transactions in the lodging industry. International Hospitality Review.
Baker, B. J., Du, J., Sato, M., & Funk, D. C. (2020). Rethinking segmentation within the psychological continuum model using Bayesian analysis. Sport Management Review, 23(4), 764-775. doi:10.1016/j.smr.2019.09.003
Behnam, M., Sato, M., Baker, B. J., Delshab, V., & Winand, M. (2020). Connecting customer knowledge management and intention to use sport services through psychological involvement, commitment, and customer perceived value. Journal of Sport Management, 34(6), 591-603. doi:10.1123/jsm.2020-0033
Inoue, Y., Sato, M., & Filo, K. (2020). Transformative sport service research: Linking sport services with well-being. Journal of Sport Management, 34(4), 285-290. doi:10.1123/JSM.2020-0102
Inoue, Y., Wann, D. L., Lock, D., Sato, M., Moore, C., & Funk, D. C. (2020). Enhancing older adults’ sense of belonging and subjective well-being through sport game attendance, team identification, and emotional support. Journal of Aging and Health, 32(7-8), 530-542. doi:10.1177/0898264319835654
Kim, T. J., Almanza, B., Ma, J., Park, H., & Kline, S. F. (2021). The cleanliness of restaurants: ATP tests (reality) vs consumers’ perception. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(3), 893-911. doi:10.1108/IJCHM-08-2020-0822
Lee, C., Bang, H., & Shonk, D. J. (2021). Professional team sports organizations' corporate social responsibility activities: Corporate image and chosen communication outlets' influence on consumers' reactions. International Journal of Sport Communication, 14(2), 280-297.
Mirabito, T., Hardin, R., & Pate, J. R. (2020). The fractured messaging of the national collegiate athletic association and its members in response to COVID-19. International Journal of Sport Communication, 13(3), 324-334. doi:10.1123/ijsc.2020-0249
O’Rourke, R. K., Mayo, F. B., & Kline, S. F. (2021). Teaching etiquette to students in hospitality and tourism programs. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 45(5), 858-861.
Park, M., Anaza, E., Shin, H., Pack, S. M., & Chitiyo, M. (2020). Relationship between physical activity and quality of life in older adults: A meta-analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(6), 3467-3477. doi:10.7752/jpes.2020.06468
Pate, J. R., & Bosley, A. T. (2020). Understanding the skills and competencies athletic department social media staff seek in sport management graduates. Sport Management Education Journal, 14(1), 48-51. doi:10.1123/smej.2019-0032
Pate, J. R., Scheadler, T., Spellings, C., Malnati, A., & Hillyer, S. (2020). Sport as a tool for community leaders of people with disabilities: Exploring an innovative, immersive exchange training program. Managing Sport and Leisure, 25(3), 146-160. doi:10.1080/23750472.2019.1653219
Son, J. S., Nimrod, G., West, S. T., Janke, M. C., Liechty, T., & Naar, J. J. (2021). Promoting older adults’ physical activity and social well-being during COVID-19. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 287-294. doi:10.1080/01490400.2020.1774015
Sato, M., Jordan, J. S., & Funk, D. C. (2019). Behavioral correlates of psychological involvement: a 2-year study. Journal of Sport Management, 33(2), 148-160. doi: 10.1123/jsm.2018-0114
Sato, M., Inoue, Y., Du, J., & Funk, D. C. (2019). Access to parks and recreational facilities, physical activity, and health care costs for older adults: Evidence from US counties. Journal of Leisure Research, 50(3), 220-238. doi: 10.1080/00222216.2019.1583048
Hums, M. A., & Pate, J. R. (2018). The International Paralympic Committee as a governing body. In The Palgrave Handbook of Paralympic Studies (pp. 173-196). Palgrave Macmillan, London. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-47901-3_9
Kim, J., Almanza, B., Ghiselli, R., Neal, J., & Sydnor, S. (2018). What role does sense of power play in consumers’ decision making of risky food consumption while dining out? Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 21(1), 106-119. doi; 10.1080/15378020.2017.1320931
Aizawa, K., Wu, J., Inoue, Y., & Sato, M. (2017). Long-term impact of the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games on sport participation: A cohort analysis. Sport Management Review. doi: 10.1016/j.smr.2017.05.001
Choi, D. W., & Pate, J. (2017). An American hotel expatriate’s view on Chinese culture: Perspectives on cultural dimensions and managerial philosophies. e-Review of Tourism Research, 14(5/6). Retrieved from
Gathman, P. C., Grabowski, N. R., Carr, J. W., & Todd, M. K. (2017). Campus recreation use and health behaviors among college students in different academic disciplines. Recreational Sports Journal, 41(1), 87-99.
Hornsby, G.,Scott-Halsell, S., Curtis, C., Ryan, B., & Kirksey, J. (2017). Do I fit in? Impact of race on hospitality student perceptions of departmental climate. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 17(4), 219-236. doi:10.1080/15313220.2017.1376604
Inoue, Y., Sato, M., Filo, K., Du, J., & Funk, D. C. (2017). Sport spectatorship and life satisfaction: A multi-country investigation. Journal of Sport Management, 1-40. doi: 10.1123/jsm.2016-0295
Kim, J., Almanza, B., Sydnor, S., Ghiselli, R., & Neal, J. (2017). Factors affecting consumption of raw or undercooked foods in restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 1-20. doi: 10.1080/15256480.2017.1383962
Kim, J.,Almanza, B., Ghiselli, R., Neal, J., & Sydnor, S. (2018). What role does sense of power play in consumers’ decision making of risky food consumption while dining out? Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 21(1), 106-119. doi; 10.1080/15378020.2017.1320931
Pate, J.R., Hardin, R. & Hums, M.A. (2017). Exploring motivations of 2014 Sochi Paralympic Winter Games volunteers. Choregia: Sport Management International Journal 13(10), 103-121.
Ruihley, B. J., & Pate, J. R.(2017). For the love of sport: Examining sport emotion through a lovemarks lens. Communication and Sport, 5(2), 135-159. doi:10.1177/2167479515607048
Sato, M.(2017). Exercise and well-being. Applied exercise psychology: The challenging journey from motivation to adherence (pp. 66-81) doi: 10.4324/9780203795422
Sato, M.,Yoshida, M., Wakayoshi, K., & Shonk, D. J.(2017). Event satisfaction, leisure involvement and life satisfaction at a walking event: The mediating role of life domain satisfaction. Leisure Studies, 36(5), 605-617. doi: 10.1080/02614367.2016.1240221
Sun, X., Kim, J.,Behnke, C., Almanza, B., Greene, C., Miller, J., & Schindler, B. (2017). The cleanliness of reusable water bottles: How contamination levels are affected by bottle usage and cleaning behaviors of bottle owners. Food Protection Trends, 37(6), 392-402. Retrieved from