Full-time administrative and professional faculty members receive 24 days (192 hours) of A&P Faculty Leave per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) to be taken for any purpose. Administrative and professional faculty members may carryover up to 15 days (120 hours) of leave from one fiscal year to the next. Those with contracts of less than 12-months or those hired during the academic year receive a prorated amount of leave. Upon leaving the university, A&P Faculty with 10 or more years of state service are paid for any unused leave up to 20 days (160 hours).

Years of Service

Maximum Payout Limit

Maximum Carryover

0-9 years

No Payout

15 days (120 hours)

10 years or more

20 days (160 hours)

15 days (120 hours)

Visit the A&P Faculty Leave Frequently Asked Questions webpage for additional details.

24 hours (three days) of Bereavement Leave is granted each leave year (January 10-January 9).

Bereavement Leave may be taken to grieve the loss, funeral preparations, and/or attend to any other immediate post-death matters for the following individuals and their counterparts in the employee’s spouse or partner's family:

  • Spouse or Partner
  • Children, including step-children
  • Siblings, including step-siblings
  • Parents, including step-parents
  • Grandchildren
  • Grandparents
  • Aunts & Uncles
  • Any relative residing in the employee’s household
  • Biological, adoptive, step, or foster parents, siblings, and children
  • Any family member for whom the employee acts in “loco parentis”
  • Pregnancy loss experienced by the employee, spouse, partner or surrogate

Bereavement Leave can be taken in any increment, the minimum being .25 hour, and must be approved by a supervisor.  To use the Bereavement leave select “BL TAKEN” from the drop down menu in MyMadison.

Leave granted to serve on a jury or appear in court as a witness under subpoena, for testing or interviewing for other state positions, or for other reasons approved in advance by the faculty member's supervisor.

Faculty members are considered exempt from the overtime provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and are not eligible for compensatory leave, except for hours worked (up to 8 hours) on a scheduled holiday or inclement weather day. 

Additional information may be found in DHRM Policy 3.10 - Compensatory Leave or JMU Policy 1303 - Provisions for Granting Overtime and Compensatory Leave.

Leave granted to a faculty member to pursue full-time independent study, graduate/post-graduate study, research or creative activities that will enhance their teaching abilities, professional growth and intellectual renewal. It is awarded through a competitive process through each college. Each college shall develop and publicize its process for selecting its faculty members to be awarded educational leave. For additional information, see the Faculty Handbook.
Leave granted to a faculty member who is called away from his/her regular jobs to provide specific kinds of emergency services during defined times of state and/or national disaster.For details, see Policy 1113-Emergency/Disaster Leave.

As part of the Faculty Sickness and Disability Program (FSDP), all full-time faculty members receive 12 weeks (480 hours) of Faculty Family Leave (FFL) per leave year (January 10 – January 9) to care for an ill or injured immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent) or other qualifying circumstance, provided all Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) eligibility requirements are met. FFL hours reset at the beginning of each leave year.  FFL hours are entered and tracked by Human Resources and reflected in MyMadison and Manager Self-Service.

The Parental Leave benefit will run concurrently with Faculty Family Leave.

Refer to the Disability Coverage section of the website.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires the university to give eligible employees unpaid job-protected leave for the birth, adoption, or foster care of a child, or the serious health condition of the employee or an immediate family member (child, spouse, or parent), a qualifying exigency arising from a call to active duty of a spouse, son, daughter or parent, being on active duty, having been notified of an impending call or order to active duty in the Armed Forces. Eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during any leave year. FMLA may be used when an employee is the care giver for an injury or illness of a service member that is a spouse, son, daughter, parent or being the nearest blood relative of the active service member (up to 26 weeks).

To be eligible, the employee must have been employed for at least 12 months and have provided at least 1,250 hours of service during the 12-month period prior to the leave request. The 12-week period is calculated starting from the date the employee begins FMLA leave. Eligible employees have the option of using paid leave, as appropriate under each particular leave policy, for absences covered under FMLA. The agency may designate such leave as family and medical leave. If you take leave under FMLA, you will normally return to your prior job, or in unusual cases, a job with equivalent status and pay. Health benefits must continue during the leave at the same level and conditions as if you had continued to work.

An employees must give a 30-day advance notice to his/her supervisor of the need to take FMLA leave when it is foreseeable for the birth or placement of a child for adoption or foster care, or for planned medical treatment. When it is not possible to provide advance notice, the employee must notify his/her supervisor as soon as practical.

Intermittent leave that is medically necessary may be taken without supervisor approval for each absence. Employees are encouraged to provide proper notice to their supervisor even though the supervisor's permission to use leave is not required. Supervisors must approve requests for intermittent leave if taking leave for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child.

Certification from the employee's or his/her family's health care provider must be provided to Human Resources to support family medical leave.

For complete information on the Family and Medical Leave Act, please visit the Family Medical Leave Act website, contact the Benefits Team, or refer to Policy 1308-Family and Medical Leave.

Employees who are members of a military unit, the National Guard, Naval Militia, or Armed Forces Reserves, are entitled to 21 work days (168 hours) of military leave per federal fiscal year (October 1 to September 30) for federally funded military duty.

Regardless of whether the duty is fragmented, employees are still entitled to 21 work days of leave per federal fiscal year. An employee must include a copy of military orders or other official documentation with the request for military leave. If ordered to duty because of an emergency, employees must supply Human Resources with supporting documentation upon their return to work to verify use of military leave.

Please review DHRM Policy 4.50 - Military Leave for additional information.

Eligible full-time, part-time salaried (PTS), and quasi full-time (QNT) faculty members receive eight weeks or 320 hours of paid parental leave to be used within six (6) months of the birth of an infant or adoptive, foster, or custodial placement of a child under the age of eighteen (18). Eligibility determinations are made as of the date that the child is born or placed via adoption or foster or custodial care. Visit the Parental Leave webpage for additional details about this leave type.

An eight hour personal day is granted to all classified employees on January 10 of every leave year (or the first day of employment for new hires). This personal leave day is considered an 8-hour floating holiday.

Effective January 10, 2025, full-time classified employees and AP Faculty were granted an additional personal day per leave year. This additional day can be used for celebrating a birthday, relaxing, or any other personal reason that benefits the employee.

The personal leave days must be used by January 9 of the leave year or they will be lost. The personal leave days must be used in the full eight-hour increments. Unused hours are not paid out upon separation.

Faculty members, as citizens, are free to engage in political activities. On timely application, and for a reasonable period of time, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted to a faculty member for the duration of an election campaign or a term of office, at the discretion of the Academic Unit Head (AUH) or supervisor. The terms of such leave of absence shall be set forth in writing. The leave must be approved by the AUH or supervisor, dean and appropriate vice president.


A&P Faculty will be awarded 40 hours of Service Recognition Leave upon completion of cumulative state service totaling one year, three years, five years, and every subsequent five-year anniversary.

Upon reaching the cumulative service milestone, the 40 hours of Service Recognition Leave will be credited to the employee’s leave record under Recognition Leave.  This time may be used in any increment, with .25 hour being the minimum.  Service Recognition Leave must be used within 12 months from the date awarded.  If hours are not used, they will be lost.

Employees who separate employment within the year of receipt of Service Recognition Leave would be eligible for a leave payout of any unused Service Recognition Leave hours.

Additional information available at DHRM Policy 1.15

A&P Faculty who are enrolled in Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP) are provided sick leave and family/personal leave each leave year (January 10 to January 9) based on months of state service. Sick Leave and Family/Personal leave hours are used to supplement income when applicable during VSDP claims. Sick and Family/Personal leave are not paid out upon separation.

The following charts reflect the accrual rates for sick leave and family/personal leave according to months of state service:

Current Full-Time

Months of
State Service

Sick Leave
Hours/Working Days

Family/Personal Hours/Working Days

Less than 60

64 (8 days)

32 (4 days)


72 (9 days)

32 (4 days)

120 or more

80 (10 days)

40 (5 days)

New Full-Time

Begin Date

Sick Leave
Hours/Working Days

Family/Personal Hours/Working Days

January 10 - July 9

64 (8 days)

32 (4 days)

July 10 - January 9

40 (5 days)

16 (2 days)

Refer to Disability Coverage section of website.

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