Alumna donor Claire Austin ('12), a political science major, welcomes JMU President Jonathan R. Alger at the Alumni Reception. The event allowed local alumni the opportunity to welcome President Alger to the Madison community.

JMU Alumni Association Board of Directors members Scott Rogers ('00, '02M) and his son, Luke, greet President Alger. Rogers is a longtime JMU donor and founder of TakeThemAMeal.com. He is married to Shaena A. Rogers ('00).

Student members of several JMU a cappella groups joined together for a pre-reception performance for the Alumni Reception in the Forbes Center for the Performing Arts on Tuesday night of Inauguration Week.

Holly Shulman, editor of the Dolley Madison Digital Edition at the University of Virginia, spoke of Dolley Madison's life and legacy. The lecture drew more than 100 people.

JMU professors (L-R) Kevin Hardwick (history), Howard Lubert (political science), William Hawk (philosophy and religion) and moderator Rebecca Brannon (history) discuss the political thought of President James Madison.

Kevin Hardwick explains the impact of James Madison, a "brilliant politician," in the context of his era. Other participants (L-R) were Howard Lubert (political science), William Hawk (philosophy and religion) and moderator Rebecca Brannon (history).

William Hawk (philosophy and religion) tells the audience how the political ideals of James Madison shaped the nation. Other participants (L-R): Kevin Hardwick (history), Howard Lubert (political science) and moderator Rebecca Brannon (history).

After a rousing J-M-U Duuuukes cheer the children in the after-school program, Second Home, unveil a banner to welcome President Alger and Dr. Warner.

Mr. Alger joins a JMU student volunteer and kids at Second Home in making cards for troops in Afghanistan during JMU's Day of Service.

Members of the Student United Way club join the Duke Dog in the JMU Day of Service.

Students were invited to decorate picture frames for Big Brothers/Big Sisters as part of the JMU Day of Service.

Tables in the Festival and Transitions were set up for students to make bags and cards for Meals on Wheels.

JMU employees donated their time to Mercy House during the Madison Week Day of Service.

Jen Steele is one of several JMU employees volunteering at Generations Crossing as part of JMU's Day of Service.

Generations Crossing director of adult programs, Lolley Miller, holds up a copy of the Breeze during a JMU Trivia game. One of the participants yelled out "He's nice looking!"