Everyone at JMU plays a role in creating and sustaining a living, learning, and working environment that is free from discrimination on the basis of sex. JMU employees have specific responsibilities related to prevention and response that are detailed here.

When a JMU employee, during the course of their regular, paid duties learns directly or indirectly about sexual misconduct involving another member of the university community, the employee is responsible for sharing the information with the Title IX Coordinator or designate.

Employees responsible for reporting are….

  • All faculty, staff, and graduate student employees other than those who have been designated as a Confidential Resource.

It can be hard to learn that one of your students has experienced sexual misconduct, but how you respond to these disclosures may impact what if any resources they use going forward. Read the information below to learn how to respond to a disclosure of sexual misconduct.

Do I Need to Report to Title IX? Consider Who, How, and What

WHO experienced the harm: Is the individual who experienced the harm a member of the JMU community as a(n):

  • Employee
  • Student
  • Visitor to campus
  • Participating in or attending a JMU sponsored event (other than awareness-raising events such as Take Back the Night or the Clothesline Project, which are designed to empower individuals to share their stories)?

If YES. Proceed to HOW.

If NO. If the individual has no affiliation with JMU then you are not responsible for reporting to Title IX.

HOW did you learn about the incident? Were you…

  • Working and performing your regular paid duties other than grading papers? Remember, disclosures received in the context of written assignments are exempt from reporting.
  • Serving as a volunteer advisor to a JMU affiliated club or organization?
  • Leading a JMU trip such as service learning, study abroad, or a site visit?

If YES. Proceed to WHAT.

If NO. If you did not learn about the incident at work and/or while representing JMU, then you are not responsible for reporting to Title IX.

If UNSURE, contact Title IX to consult. You only have to offer information about how you learned about the incident, and we can then determine if you need to report.

WHAT type of harm took place? Is the harm that is being described:

  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual violence
  • Sexual harassment
  • Dating violence, domestic violence, relational violence
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Non-consensual relationships
  • Stalking
  • Other discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex

If YES. If you answered “yes” to WHO and HOW and WHAT, then proceed to Responsible Employee Reporting Options.

If NO, you may still have a responsibility for reporting based on your specific job duties, or university, local, and state policies.

If UNSURE, then consult with Title IX to determine if you need to report.

Important Information for Employees
  • Only share what you know to the Title IX Office. You do not need to ask the individual who disclosed to you for additional information.
  • Let the individual know what information you will be sharing and who you will be sharing it with.
  • Share with the individual that Title IX will send an introductory email with information about resources but that the individual is not obligated to respond.
  • Follow the established reporting protocol for the office or department you are working in.
  • Listen and validate. Resist the temptation to encourage the person to look on the bright side or make a comment about how things could be worse.
  • Offer to find out about resources.
  • Resist giving advice.
  • Check in from time to time.
  • If you know both people involved, resist talking about it among friends or sharing with them your perspective.
  • Offer to go with the individual to meet with resources if the individual would like.
  • Understand that healing is a journey and that it takes different amounts of time and support for each person to heal.
  • Take care of yourself and know your limits. Social scientists coined the term “vicarious trauma” to refer to the feelings of fatigue, confusion, fear, and anxiety that first responders, medical, mental health, and international aid workers experience after providing support and assistance to trauma survivors. Friends, family, colleagues, mentors, and anyone close to a trauma survivor can also experience vicarious trauma and burnout, too.
  • Make it readily apparent that you are a responsible employee. Some faculty put information on their syllabi about being responsible employees. Some offices make sure that information is apparent on their website and other materials available to students and colleagues.

Consulting with confidential resources or reporting to another office or resource portal does not meet the responsible employee reporting obligation.

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