If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, pregnancy and pregnancy related conditions discrimination, or other forms of discrimination on the basis of sex, there are many resources and options available for receiving help and support both on campus and off.

At any time, any person can Report an Incident or File a Formal Complaint with the Title IX office

Students who are pregnant or experiencing pregnancy related conditions can access information about available resources here.

To watch or view a video overview of the supportive measures available through the Title IX office, please see Title IX Supportive Measures Video. For video information on confidential resources available on campus, please see Title IX Confidential Resources.

Title IX Supportive Measures and Resources for Complainants and Respondents

Two-way supportive measure no contact orders are available through the Title IX Office and do not require the filing of a formal complaint. For the Title IX Office to issue a two-way no contact order, both parties must be members of the JMU community. Two-way no contact orders prohibit both parties from engaging in direct, third party, and electronic communication on and off campus for as long as the two-way no contact order is in effect. Two-way no contact orders typically expire six months from the time of issuance, and either party involved in the two-way no contact order may request a renewal.

A party who has requested a no contact order or a renewal of a no contact order may also request, at any time, a reminder in advance of the expiration of the no contact order.

Two-way supportive measure no contact orders do not prohibit either party from being in the same public spaces, participating in classes or organizations, attending events, using public campus facilities, or accessing their own private spaces such as an assigned apartment room or residence hall room. If both parties are routinely in the same places at the same time, Title IX may reach out to both parties to explore options.

Two-way supportive measure no contact orders do not prohibit contact through a third party for the purposes of conducting lawful activity during a pending criminal or civil case, or other specific extenuating circumstances as determined by Title IX.

Contact Title IX to request a two-way supportive measure no contact order.

The Title IX Office offers academic assistance to complainants and respondents such as assistance with academic schedule changes, communication to faculty about absences, requests for additional time on assignments, etc.

To send notifications to faculty, the Title IX Office must have written permission from the student. Upon receipt of written permission, the Title IX Office will send emails to the student’s faculty and will copy the student on each of the emails so the student can follow up with the faculty member to explore reasonable options for the student to make up missed work, receive extra time on assignments, etc. In some circumstances upon request, the Title IX Office will follow up with the faculty to discuss reasonable options. The Title IX Office will be available if the student or the faculty member have questions about whether a requested option is reasonable.

Refer to Support for Pregnancy/Pregnancy Related Conditions for information on reasonably available academic adjustments for students who are pregnant/experiencing pregnancy related conditions.

The Title IX Office can assist students with accessing temporary on-campus housing or temporary on-campus housing changes. Students may also contact the Office of Residence Life directly to request an on-campus housing change for themselves.

The Title IX Office can also assist students with accessing law enforcement, health, mental health, and advocacy resources on and off campus.

Law Enforcement Options and Resources

If you are experiencing a crime, witness a crime, or believe a crime has been committed against you or someone in the JMU Community, please contact JMU Police immediately at 540-568-6911 (on campus) or 911 (off campus).

Reporting an incident or filing a formal complaint with the Title IX Office does not restrict anyone’s ability to also report criminal conduct to law enforcement and to pursue both options simultaneously or not at all. Individuals who have experienced or become aware of criminal sexual misconduct are encouraged to report incidents directly to law enforcement.

To report incidents that occurred on campus, contact the James Madison University Police Department: General information and assistance (540-568-6912), on- campus emergencies (540-568-6911).

Please take the time to review the JMU Police Department Complainants Rights for Crimes of Violence: Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking.

Safety escorts are available through JMU Police Department to any student on campus, free of charge. Refer to the safety escort website for available hours and information on how to request a ride.

If you are experiencing a crime, witness a crime, or believe a crime has been committed against you or someone in the JMU Community, please contact JMU Police immediately at 540-568-6911 (on campus) or 911 (off campus).

Anyone who has experienced or has information about an incident of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or other criminal activity that has occurred off campus in Harrisonburg or Rockingham County should contact either the Harrisonburg Police Department or Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office

Complainants who have experienced a criminal sex offense are encouraged to consider the following actions:

• As with any crime, it is important to preserve evidence. Do not destroy physical evidence that may be found. If the offense occurred within the past 72 hours, evidence of criminal activity may be preserved. Evidence may be collected even if the complainant chooses not to make a report to law enforcement. The evidence collected can be held until a decision is made about pursuing legal action. In instances where the complainant wishes to remain anonymous, the evidence collected at the hospital can be forwarded to the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Service of the Virginia Department of General Services as an anonymous physical evidence recovery kit where it will be stored for two years. During this time the complainant may choose to release the kit to law enforcement.
• Do not destroy the physical evidence that may be found in the vicinity of the crime. If the crime occurred in the complainant’s home, the individual should not clean or straighten until the police have had an opportunity to collect evidence if contacted. Preservation of evidence may assist in proving that the alleged criminal offense occurred or may be helpful in obtaining a protective order.
• Do not shower, bathe, or douche. Do not urinate, if possible. Do not eat, drink liquids, smoke or brush teeth if oral contact took place.
• Keep the clothes worn during the offense. If clothes are changed, place clothes in a paper bag (evidence deteriorates in plastic).

A protective order is a legal order issued by a magistrate or judge to protect the health and safety of people who have been subjected to an act involving violence, force, or threats that results in bodily injury or places the person in reasonable fear of death, sexual assault, or bodily injury. There are different types of protective orders. The JMU Victim’s Advocates can help JMU community members to determine what if any type of protective order to request and may be able to provide accompaniment to request one. JMU Police Department may also be able to provide accompaniment to obtain one.

Confidential On-Campus Advocacy, Mental Health, and Medical Resources

Victim Advocacy at JMU is a free, confidential, trauma-informed, and individualized service available to students who have experienced sexual assault, dating, domestic violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct and harassment on the basis of sex that is individualized to each person’s needs. 

Advocates are a great source of information and support and are equipped to help students who have experienced sexual misconduct navigate what feels best for the student. Advocates can help explain options and processes and can provide accompaniment to medical appointments, appointments with Title IX, law enforcement to make a report, and to the magistrate or judge to request a protective order.

Confidential individual and group counseling is available to JMU students free of charge through the University Counseling Center located on the 3rd floor of the Student Success Center. Refer to the Counseling Center website for information on how to access counseling on campus as well as how to connect with counseling assistance in an emergency situation and after hours.

Employees who are insured should inquire with Human Resources about options available through EAP (Employee Assistance Program).

The University Health Center located on the 1st and 2nd floor of the Student Success Center offers a variety of health services to JMU students including urgent care, lab services, STD/STI testing, GYN clinic, and medical treatment by appointment.

Off-Campus Advocacy, Mental Health, and Medical Resources

The Collins Center in Harrisonburg offers a 24-hour Crisis Hotline for members of the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County area community - including students - who wish to seek support and information in response to an experience of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, abuse, stalking, and other forms of interpersonal violence. The 24-hour Crisis Hotline number is 540-434-2272.

The Collins Center also provides victim’s advocacy, including accompaniment to medical exams, court, and law enforcement for Harrisonburg and Rockingham County area residents-including students-who have experienced sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence stalking, and other forms of interpersonal violence and abuse. They can also help area residents connect with confidential group and individual counseling.

A SANE exam is a comprehensive medical examination that can be conducted after a sexual assault by a registered nurse who has received specialized training to conduct such an exam. During a SANE exam the nurse performing the exam can collect physical evidence. In Virginia this evidence collection and recovery is called a PERK Kit. A “blind” PERK kit can be collected if the victim is not sure yet if they want to file criminal charges. Locally, SANE exams are available in the emergency services department of Sentara RMH hospital. Advocates typically will accompany an individual to a SANE exam or may be called in by the hospital to provide accompaniment.

Sentara RMH Hospital offers comprehensive emergency and non-emergency medical services including SANE exams and STI/STD testing.

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