Students experiencing pregnancy or related condition(s) may voluntarily initiate contact with the Title IX Office to request reasonable adjustments available under Title IX by completing the Student Pregnancy and Related Conditions Assistance Request Form.

  • Pregnancy and related conditions encompasses pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, false pregnancy, lactation, or recovery from any of these conditions.
  • Reasonable adjustments may include but are not limited to excusing student absences related to pregnancy and related conditions for as long as the student's doctor deems the absence medically necessary; allowing students to make up participation and attendance credits and make up missed work due to pregnancy or related conditions status; arranging for larger desk, elevator access, opportunities to move around, restroom breaks, options for staying current on assignments, options for making up missed work, etc.
  • Students are not required to disclose their pregnancy or related condition status to university faculty and staff.
  • Students are not required to seek out reasonable adjustments and assistance related to pregnancy or related conditions through the Title IX Office.
  • Students must not be required to submit a doctor's note for absences due to pregnancy or related conditions unless students are required to submit doctor's notes for other types of medical absences and/or hospitalizations.
  • Title IX prohibits discrimination against students based on pregnancy and related conditions in educational programs and activities receiving federal funding and directs institutions to make available reasonable adjustments for students who voluntarily request such assistance.
  • Reasonable adjustments under Title IX for pregnancy and related conditions are separate and distinct from reasonable accommodations facilitated through the Office of Disability Services. Students who experience a temporary or permanent medical condition or disability arising from or exacerbated by pregnancy or conditions and/or complications and therefore may have needs that would be more appropriately considered through the Office of Disability Services (ODS) may contact ODS.
  • Students who believe they have been subject to discrimination because of pregnancy or related condition status may file a formal complaint.

Faculty who have questions about how to provide assistance to students who are pregnant or experiencing pregnancy-related conditions in a manner consistent with the expectations of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 may contact the Title IX Office for assistance. 

Pregnancy and Related Conditions

View a syllabus statement regarding pregnancy and related conditions. We encourage faculty to include this statement in their syllabus and, if possible, to discuss with students the availability of the Title IX Office.

JMU has a list of lactation spaces on campus. If you would like to learn more about your rights under Title IX regarding pregnancy and related conditions, please reach out to the Title IX Office by phone (540-568-5219), email (, or by visiting our offices on the 4th floor of Holland Yates Hall in the Access and Inclusion Suite.

Employees of the university can contact HR for information regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

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