Online tutoring:
We are offering in-person and online tutoring and communication support. You can still make appointments with us, just like you have in the past. View step-by-step instructions on making and conducting an online tutoring appointment.
Schedule an appointment to:
- prepare a presentation (brainstorm, outline, research, visual aids)
- rehearse a speech
- practice a job interview
- study for SCOM exam
- get help with group communication
- address speech anxiety
- get help with data visualization and infographics
Have a quick or small question?
Do you have a quick question or need brief feedback? Consider emailing the Communication Center for feedback instead of making an appointment. We will respond to your question within 24 hours. Email to get professional communication support from the comfort of your computer.
Prepare for your appointment by:
- knowing what you want to work on
- bringing in any assignment or guidelines information
- having already completed work with you
- bringing the recommended materials for your specific appointment (see below).
Consultations happen at the Student Success Center, room 1155
Recommendations on what to bring to your specific appointment:
Brainstorm a topic:
- Assignment description
- Professor expectations
- List of things that interest you
Establish group roles & expectations:
- Notebook and pen or pencil OR computer
- All group members
- Any assignment descriptions for the group
Improve outline:
- Current Outline
- Assignment Rubric
- Example outlines from textbook or professor
Find research:
- Notebook and pen or pencil OR computer
- Project or assignment expectations you are working on
- Any research you have located so far
Improve PowerPoint / visual aid:
- PowerPoint/visual aid
- Outline, manuscript, or notes for your presentation
- Folder of images, videos, or other files you want to include
Rehearse speech and receive feedback:
- Materials for speech
- Assignment or project expectations
Data visualization:
- Account information for infographic websites (if applicable)
- Flash drive
- Materials for data visualization
- Notebook and pen or pencil OR computer
Job interview:
- Job Application/Job description
- Notebook and pen or pencil OR computer
- Your resume and cover letter
SCOM 121/122/123 exam prep:
- Textbook
- Class notes
- Exam study guide