What is PASS?
Peer Assisted Study Sessions. It is a learning enhancement program. It is designed to organize and improve the ways in which you prepare for your course outside of class. PASS is attached to courses to provide you with a systematic and disciplined approach for processing the course material assigned by the professor.
How do I know if I'm taking a course that supported by PASS?
If you are enrolled in a course that has PASS your faculty and peer leader will introduce themselves at the beginning of the semester. Your peer leader will also invite you to his/her study sessions at the beginning of each class, and will let you know the locations, times, and days of the sessions.
What if I can't attend all of the PASS sessions?
It is recommended that you still go to one session a week depending on your schedule. You peer leader will try to schedule the study sessions at times that is convenient for majority of the students to attend per week.
What if a PASS session begins 10 minutes before I get out of class?
You can still come! PASS is a voluntary program. If you are late, you can still get something out of the session during the time that you are there.
If I don't start to PASS sessions at the beginning of the semester, can I still come later?
Of course! PASS is not a club that you have to join. It is here for you, whenever you need it. However, it is best to use PASS as a continual review session in order to maximize your studying potential
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
Please contact PASS at passprogram@jmu.edu.