Image: Johnathan Bush

Johnathan Bush

Assistant Professor, Applied Math

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Alex Capaldi

Associate Professor, Applied Math, Statistics

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Heena Thakorlal Gandhi

Visiting Assistant Professor, Applied Math

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Brant Jones

Professor, Pure Math

Image: Caroline Lubert

Caroline P. Lubert

Professor, Applied Math

Image: Stephen Lucas

Stephen Lucas

Professor, Applied Math

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Hala Nelson

Professor, Applied Math

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Minah Oh

Professor and Chair, Applied Math

Image: Eva Strawbridge

Eva Strawbridge

Professor, Applied Math

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Roger Thelwell

Professor, Applied Math

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Anthony Tongen

Vice President of REDI

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D. Brian Walton

Associate AUH; Professor, Applied Math

Image: Debra Warne

Debra Polignone

Professor, Applied Math

Image: Paul Warne

Paul Warne

Professor, Applied Math

Image: woodruff

Celestine Woodruff

Associate Professor, Applied Math

Image: Zev Woodstock

Zev Woodstock

Assistant Professor, Applied Math


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