There are several opportunities to participate in Graduate Student organizations and activities that will introduce you to the larger graduate student body at JMU.  Head here for a listing of current organizations. 

Every incoming student is required to attend both The Graduate School orientation as well as the MPA orientation, or their equivalencies, prior to the start of their first semester.  These sessions provide essential information about policies, procedures, and behavioral norms for being a graduation student in the MPA Program. 

Contact the MPA Program Directors for more information about these sessions and how to register. 

The MPA Program Directors serve as the primary advisors for MPA students with the MPA faculty assisting with advising students in their concentration courses.  All advising questions should start with the Program Directors. 

For all students, PUAD 605 (Research Methods) must be taken prior to PUAD 606 (Program Evaluation) and PUAD 692 (Capstone) must be taken in the final spring semester of the program, with a few exceptions for summer term options. 

PUAD 620 (Foundations of Public Administration) is strongly recommended for the first fall semester. 

Email the MPA Program Directors a formal request stating your current concentration, your desired concentration, and your reasoning behind the change. Students interested in the Individualized concentration must complete an additional proposal form, available from the MPA Program Directors. 

PUAD 680 (Reading and Research) is the MPA programs's equivalent of an independent study. It allows students to pursue advanced study in a narrowly defined area under the guidance of a graduate faculty member. 

The first step in setting up an independent study is to find a graduate faculty member willing to act as your faculty supervisor.  Next, you work with the faculty member to develop a syllabus for the independent study that includes an assessment and evaluation plan. This syllabus proposal is then sent to the MPA Program Directors for approval and, when approved, the student is given enrollment permission for PUAD 680.

The Career Center at JMU has multiple resources guiding the internship search. You may also schedule an appointment with a Career Center staff member to help prepare your materials and strategy.  Remember that the Career Center is for ALL JMU students, not just undergraduate students. 

Additionally, the Department of Political Science has an internship coordinator whose role is to support students seeking work-based learning experiences both for credit and non-credit. Ask the MPA Program Directors to connect you to the internship coordinator for a coaching session on methods for finding and securing such an experience. 

The general information for graduate students regarding their graduation can be found here, including a link to the graduation 'application' that must be filed with The Graduate School. 

In addition, MPA Students must have successfully completed their MPA Portfolio and received a 'satisfactory' rating from the portfolio reviewers. Contact the MPA Program Directors for more information about the portfolio construction process.

Contact the MPA Program Directors to alert them to this need and they will guide you through the process. International students must also contact International Student Support Services to ensure the maintenance of legal visa status. 

In order to maintain status with the university, students on a leave of absence must still be enrolled in at least one credit. Head here for more information. 

Then, to return to active student status, students must complete the Intent to Re-enroll Form

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