Undergraduate Auditions
Auditionees should be prepared to perform the following in a live audition:
- 2 or 3 contrasting works totaling 10-15 minutes. Auditionees are encouraged to contact Professor of Cello Carl Donakowski (donakocp@jmu.edu) to discuss their audition repertoire selections in advance.
- Accompaniment is not required or encouraged.
Some examples of repertoire from past successful auditions:
- Prelude or Gigue from a Suite for Unaccompanied Cello by J.S. Bach
- The first or last movement of a concerto such as those by Haydn, Elgar, Saint-Saens, Dvorak, Schumann, or Shostakovich
- A movement from a Baroque or Classical Sonata such as those by Vivaldi, Marcello, or Boccherini
- A short piece such as Bruch Kol Nidrei, Summer Julie-O, Haydn Divertimento
- An Etude such a Popper High School of Cello Playing Op. 73 or Studies Preparatory to the High School of Cello Playing, Op. 76, Duport 21 Etudes, Lee 40 Melodic and Progressive Etudes
For more information, contact Dr. Carl Donakowski at donakocp@jmu.edu
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Master of Music Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM Cello Audition Materials:
- The Prelude and one other movement from one of the six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello by J.S. Bach.
- One movement from a concerto from the standard repertoire.
- A short piece which contrasts the previous requirements.
Please contact Dr. Carl Donakowksi at donakocp@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact the applicants that pass the pre-screening round with the next steps in their auditions. In conjunction with those auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Return to Master of Music Admissions
Doctor of Musical Arts Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your DMA Cello Audition Materials:
- For your pre-screening (high quality video recording) repertoire:
- The Prelude and one other movement from one of the six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello by J.S. Bach.
- One movement from a concerto from the Romantic period or later.
- The 1st or 3rd movement from either of F.J. Haydn's cello concertos.
- Live audition repertoire:
- The Prelude and one other movement from one of the six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello by J.S. Bach.
- Two movements from a concerto from the Romantic period or later -OR- several substantial movements from a work for solo cello from the 20th or 21st century such as Kodály Op. 8, chosen in consultation with Dr. Donakowski.
- The 1st or 3rd movement from either of F.J. Haydn's cello concertos.
- Two contrasting standard orchestral excerpts.
Please contact Dr. Carl Donakowksi at donakocp@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact the applicants that pass the pre-screening round with the next steps in their auditions. In conjunction with those auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Double Bass
Undergraduate Auditions
Auditionees should be prepared to perform the following:
Share a snapshot of your musical progress, creative identity, and professional preparation through two or three contrasting selections (totaling 10 minutes or less) performed on double bass and chosen in consultation with Dr. Suggs.
Although not a determinant factor for acceptance into the double bass studio, the electronic submission of supplemental musical work beyond double bass performance is welcomed if it aligns with creative or career motivations (i.e. secondary instruments such as bass guitar, piano, and voice; or compositions, arrangements, or electronic productions; or academic writing).
Auditions for the double bass studio are not weighed against other applicants or arbitrary standards, but considered on their own merits with the goal of identifying students with the passion and perseverance necessary for a life in music. In other words, worry about preparation and authenticity, not perfection.
Please set up a free consultation in advance of the audition. Free consultations as well as audition clinics for prospective double bass students will be available remotely - send an inquiry to Dr. Suggs (suggsss@jmu.edu). Suggestions for families and prospective double bassists visiting campus can be found at Sam's Suggestions A Guide for Students Visiting Harrisonburg, Virginia "The Friendly City".
Successful applicants in the past have performed:
- a movement of an unaccompanied work contrasted by a movement of a concerto
- a scale exercise or etude demonstrating left hand facility contrasted by a lyrical selection demonstrating tone
- an original composition contrasted by a few short professional orchestral audition excerpts
- a transcription of an improvised solo by an acclaimed jazz artist with a selection of chamber music (2 or more musicians including duo with piano)
Specific examples from previous successful applicants included:
- Movement(s) of Baroque sonatas or suites written or adapted for the double bass by Eccles (G minor), Vivaldi (A minor), Marcello (E minor), J.S. Bach (recommendations: Suite no. 1 in G major: Allemande, Courante, Menuets, Gigue; Suite no. 3 (transposed into G major, Sterling Edition): Allemande, Courante, Bourrées, Gigue). Free public domain sheet music available at IMSLP.
- Selections from the Charlie Parker Omnibook; or transcriptions of solos by Ray Brown, Paul Chambers, or other jazz bassists or instrumentalists; multiple choruses of a 12-bar blue demonstrating solid intonation, walking feel, solo improvisation, and playing the head
- First movement (exposition and cadenza) of a concerto by Dragonetti (Nanny), Dittersdorf, Vanhal, Bottesini, or Koussevitsky and orchestral excerpts from recent professional orchestra auditions such as: Movement III from Beethoven’s Symphony no. 5; Act IV double bass solo from Verdi’s Otello; Movement III from Mahler’s Symphony no. 1; Movement 1 from Mozart’s Symphony no. 35; Richard Strauss’ Don Juan. Free excerpts available.
For more information, contact Dr. Sam Suggs: suggsss@jmu.edu
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Master of Music Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
All applicants must submit a high quality/definition pre-screening audio or video recording along with their applications. YouTube links are also acceptable.
For your pre-screening recorded repertoire:
- First movement of a standard concerto or sonata.
- A movement from any cello suites by J.S. Bach.
- Two contrasting orchestral excerpts.
For your live audition repertoire:
- First movement of a standard concerto or sonata.
- A movement from any cello suites by J.S. Bach.
- Two contrasting orchestral excerpts.
Please contact Dr. Sam Suggs at suggsss@jmu.edu if you have any questions about your pre-screening/live audition repertoire.
Return to Master of Music Admissions
Doctor of Musical Arts Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
All applicants must submit a high quality/definition pre-screening audio or video recording along with their applications. YouTube links are also acceptable.
For your pre-screening recorded repertoire:
- First movement of a standard concerto or sonata.
- A movement from any cello suites by J.S. Bach.
- Two contrasting orchestral excerpts.
For your live audition repertoire:
- A complete standard concerto or sonata.
- Two contrasting movements from the suites by J.S. Bach.
- Two contrasting orchestral excerpts.
Please contact Dr. Sam Suggs at suggsss@jmu.edu if you have any questions about your pre-screening/live audition repertoire.
Undergraduate Auditions
Prospective students auditioning for the JMU School of Music Guitar studio, with either a focus on Jazz or Classical guitar must prepare and perform TWO pieces of contrasting style or period from memory, be prepared to sightread a short excerpt, play 2-3 octave major scales in at least 2 positions, show knowledge of simple triad or seventh chords and arpeggios, and/or play an original piece of music of their own selection. It is highly encouraged, but not required, that Jazz students play one piece on classical guitar from the classical repertoire as they will be taking classical lessons and performing on classical guitar in Guitar Ensemble during their first semesters at JMU.
Students with a focus on classical guitar should consider pieces from any of Frederick Noad's method books or repertoire series, as well as expect sight reading selections to come from Book 1 of Julio Sagreras' Guitar Method or William Leavitt's Melodic Rhythms for Guitar. Be prepared to answer questions regarding the harmonic and formal structure of their pieces. Recommended scale and arpeggio studies can be found in Bridges' Guitar Technique and Andres Segovia's Major and Minor Scales.
Jazz prospectives can choose any contrasting standards from The Real Book series, such as: Song for My Father, Tenor Madness, Blue Bossa, Ornithology, etc. Be prepared to play the melody, improvise 2 choruses of a solo and "comp" an accompaniment. Sight reading will come from William Leavitt's Melodic Rhythms for Guitar or something comparable. If the student would like to audition with a play-along-track, please consider using the website learnjazzstandards.com, NOT the "iReal pro" app.
All prospective seniors must have a minimum of 1-2 years of private lesson instruction prior to their auditions. Auditions can be done virtually (via the JMU Slideroom site), but coming to audition in person is highly recommended.
The main thing to focus on for your audition is playing the music that you feel strongly about to the best of your ability. If there is something you really care to share during your audition in addition to these requirements, PLEASE do so! I'm very much looking forward to hearing you play the music that moves you.
For more information, contact Adam Larrabee: larrabaj@jmu.edu
Undergraduate Auditions
Please prepare the following:
- Two solos of contrasting historical periods and styles
- One cadenza
Sample Solos:
- Corelli - Giga, trans. Salzedo
- Handel - Harmonious Blacksmith, trans. Salzedo
- Pierne - Impromptu-Caprice
Sample Cadenzas:
- Tchaikovsky - Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker
- Rimsky-Korsakov - Capricio Espagnol
For more information, contact Dr. Anastasia Pike: anp2118@columbia.edu
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Master of Music Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please prepare the following:
- 3 contrasting works, to include:
- a movement from a major concerto (Handel, etc.)
- 20th century work
- Baroque solo (Bach/Grandjany etude, etc.)
For more information, contact Dr. Anastasia Pike: anp2118@columbia.edu
Return to Master of Music Admissions
Doctor of Musical Arts Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please prepare the following:
- 45-minute memorized recital, including one major chamber work (Ravel Introduction and Allegro, Debussy Trio, etc.)
For more information, contact Dr. Anastasia Pike: anp2118@columbia.edu
Undergraduate Auditions
Auditionees should be prepared to perform two contrasting selections totaling 10-15 minutes, and are encouraged to contact Dr. Diane Phoenix-Neal (phoenidk@jmu.edu) to discuss their audition repertoire.
Examples of successful audition pieces:
- contrasting movements from the Six Suites or from the Six Sonatas and Partitas by J.S. Bach for viola solo
- short concert pieces such as those by Bruch, Dancla, Sitt, Schumann, or Weber
- a movement from an 18th or 19th century sonata such as from those by Eccles, Marcello, Veracini, or Schubert
- a movement from a concerto by Hoffmeister, Stamitz, Telemann, or J.C. Bach
- a modern concerto movement, sonata movement, or solo piece
- an etude by Kayser, Mazas, or Fuchs
It is important that the applicant select repertoire that clearly represents his/her ability level, demonstrating technique, musicality, and tone quality.
For more information, contact Dr. Diane Phoenix-Neal: phoenidk@jmu.edu
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Master of Music Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM viola audition materials:
- Two contrasting movements of an unaccompanied work by J.S. Bach.
- One movement of a major concerto, including, but not limited to, those by: Walton, Hindemith, Bartok, Forsyth, Stamitz, Hoffmeister, or a substantial concert piece, caprice, or sonata movement such as those by Brahms, Bruch, Lillian Fuchs, Hindemith, Reger, or Weber.
Please contact Dr. Diane Phoenix-Neal at phoenidk@jmu.edu if you have any questions about your pre-screening repertoire.
Areas will contact the applicants that pass the pre-screening round with the next steps in their auditions. In conjunction with those auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Return to Master of Music Admissions
Doctor of Musical Arts Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your DMA viola audition materials:
- Two contrasting movements of an unaccompanied work by J.S. Bach.
- One movement of a major concerto, including, but not limited to, those by: Walton, Hindemith, Bartok, Bowen, Forsyth, Stamitz, Hoffmeister, or a Romantic, Post-Romantic, Modern, or 21st century substantial recital piece, caprice, or sonata movement.
Please contact Dr. Diane Phoenix-Neal at phoenidk@jmu.edu if you have any questions about your pre-screening repertoire.
Areas will contact the applicants that pass the pre-screening round with the next steps in their auditions. In conjunction with those auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Undergraduate Auditions
Please prepare:
Two or three contrasting works or movements, 10-20 minutes in length. Here are some repertoire examples of previous successful auditions:
- Etudes from Wohlfahrt, Kaiser, Mazas, Kreutzer, and Rode
- Vivaldi Violin Concerto in A minor
- Accolay Violin Concerto in A minor
- Bach Violin Concerto in A minor
- Movements from Solo Partitas and Sonatas from J.S. Bach
- Movements from any Romantic period Violin Concertos
- Haydn Violin Concerto in G Major
- Beethoven Romance in G or F Major
- Short Pieces by Fritz Kreisler, Monte, Hubay, etc.
Accompaniment is not required. If submitting a video recording, one take that includes all selections is preferred. You may also be asked to sight read a short excerpt in your audition.
For more information, contact Dr. Wanchi Huang: huangwx@jmu.edu
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Master of Music Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM violin audition materials:
- A movement from a concerto
- Two movements from J.S. Bach's Six Partitas and Sonatas for Solo Violin
- One short piece
- Orchestral excerpt: Richard Strauss' Don Juan Violin 1, First page
Please contact Dr. Wanchi Huang at huangwx@jmu.edu if you have any questions about your pre-screening repertoire.
Areas will contact the applicants that pass the pre-screening round with the next steps in their auditions. In conjunction with those auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Return to Master of Music Admissions
Doctor of Musical Arts Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM violin audition materials:
- One movement of a Mozart Violin Concerto, please include the cadenza if applicable.
- One movement of a concerto from the Romantic or the Twentieth-Century period.
- Two contrasting movements from J.S. Bach's Six Partitas and Sonatas for Solo Violin.
- Two contrasting orchestral excerpts, with one excerpt being Richard Strass' Don Juan, Violin 1, first page.
Please contact Dr. Wanchi Huang at huangwx@jmu.edu if you have any questions about your pre-screening repertoire.
Areas will contact the applicants that pass the pre-screening round with the next steps in their auditions. In conjunction with those auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.