Undergraduate Auditions
Auditionees should be prepared to perform the following:
- Chromatice scale - 3 octaves slurred up and legato articulation down
- 2 Major scales with at least one that is 3 sharps or flats or more - all slurred - 2 or 3 octaves (up to high C)
- 2 contrasting pieces - one slow/lyrical and one fast/technical. You may select repertoire from the standard bassoon solo repertoire and/or advanced etudes by Weissenborn or Milde
- Students interested in the performance concentration should also prepare 2 contrasting standard orchestral excerpts of your choice
For more information, contact Dr. Sue Barber: barbersn@jmu.edu
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Master of Music Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM bassoon audition materials:
- Movement of a standard concerto:
- Mozart: Concerto in Bb Major, K. 191, or Weber: Concerto in F Major, Op. 75
- Additional movement of a work in a contrasting style selected from the standard body of repertoire
- Orchestral excerpts of the following:
- Mozart: Marriage of Figaro
- Ravel: Bolero
- Tchaikovsky: Symphony 4 (II)
If you are invited for an on-campus audition, you should be prepared to play all of the above with the addition of the following:
- Significant work selected from the standard French literature
- Baroque or Contemporary Work
- Select three (3) of the following excerpts:
- Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra (II)
- Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 (IV)
- Mozart: Marriage of Figaro
- Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade (II)
- Stravinsky: Pulcinella Suite
- Stravinsky: Rite of Spring
- Shostakovich: Symphony No. 9 (IV-V)
- Tchaikovsky: Symphonies 4, 5, 6
Please contact Dr. Sue Barber at barbersn@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact applicants that pass the pre-screening round to relay the next steps in the audition process. In conjunction with auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Return to Master of Music Admissions
Doctor of Musical Arts Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your DMA bassoon audition materials:
- Movement of a standard concerto:
- Mozart: Concerto in Bb Major, K. 191, or Weber: Concerto in F Major, Op. 75
- Two additional movements/works in two contrasting styles selected from the standard body of repertoire
- Orchestral excerpts of the following:
- Mozart: Marriage of Figaro
- Ravel: Bolero
- Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade (II)
- Tchaikovsky: Symphony 4 (II)
If you are invited for an on-campus audition, you should be prepared to play all of the above with the addition of the following:
- Complete Major Concerto (Weber or Mozart)
- French Recital Piece (Tansman, Bozza, etc.)
- An additional work selected from the standard repertoire which is either contemporary or baroque in style.
Please contact Dr. Sue Barber at barbersn@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact applicants that pass the pre-screening round to relay the next steps in the audition process. In conjunction with auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Undergraduate Auditions
Please prepare the following materials for a live audition:
- Two contrasting pieces, movements, or etudes: one slow/lyrical and one fast/technical. Two movements from the same work are acceptable.
- All major scales, in range and pattern of your choice.
- Chromatic scale, up and down in three octaves from low E to high E, played twice: slurred/legato the first time and tongued/articulated the second time. Please do not play your district/all-state style chromatic scale.
- Optional: if you wish to demonstrate your playing ability on bass or e-flat clarinets, you may play one piece or etude of your choice, not exceeding duration of 3 minutes. Note: if your primary specialty is bass clarinet, please contact Dr. Jankauskas in advance before your audition.
Memorization or piano accompaniment is not required.
All auditioning students are welcome to contact Dr. Šarūnas Jankauskas (jankausx@jmu.edu) in advance for a consultation and either live or online complimentary lesson.
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Master of Music Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM clarinet audition materials:
- A 12-20 minute sample of recordings in audio/video format, representing your musicianship. Please include at least three varied segments/works.
If you are invited for an on-campus audition, please prepare the following:
- At least four examples of music representing your musicianship.
NOTE: Music examples may include any of the following: classical or contemporary works in solo and chamber settings, ensemble excerpts or your roles within a large ensemble performance (such as significant solos), jazz, world, popular or improvised music, multimedia projects, etc.
Please contact Dr. Šarūnas Jankauskas at jankausx@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact applicants that pass the pre-screening round to relay the next steps in the audition process. In conjunction with auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Return to Master of Music Admissions
Doctor of Musical Arts Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your DMA clarinet audition materials:
- A 22-30 minute audio/video portfolio representing your musicianship in a variety of settings.
If you are invited for an on-campus audition, please prepare the following:
- At least five examples of music representing your musicianship.
- A performance and pedagogy resume/CV, listing your experiences, all concerts, and studied and performed works.
NOTE: Music examples may include any of the following: classical or contemporary works in solo and chamber settings, ensemble excerpts or your roles within a large ensemble performance (such as significant solos), jazz, world, popular or improvised music, multimedia projects, etc.
Please contact Dr. Šarūnas Jankauskas at jankausx@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact applicants that pass the pre-screening round to relay the next steps in the audition process. In conjunction with auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Undergraduate Auditions
Auditionees should be prepared to perform the following in a live audition:
- Two pieces of contrasting styles and character which effectively demonstrate your technical and musical ability. Single-movement works, movements of a sonata or concerto, or a substantial etude are acceptable. Works from the standard repertoire are appropriate, as well as works by underrepresented composers. If select movements are performed, they must be from two contrasting larger works.
- Memorization of repertoire is not required.
- Piano accompaniment is not required.
Scales and Arpeggios:
- Chromatic scale in three octaves, from low B or C to high B or C, ascending and descending, at any tempo and in any rhythmic pattern, played twice: slurred the first time and tongued/articulated the second time.
- Major scales AND arpeggios, two or three octaves, at any tempo, in any rhythmic pattern, and with any articulation.
- Memorization of scales and arpeggios is required.
Students may also be requested to perform a sight-reading selection, as well as complete a brief interview.
For more information or to ask questions about your repertoire selections, please contact Dr. Beth Chandler Cahill (Professor of Flute): chand2be@jmu.edu
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Master of Music Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM flute pre-screening audition materials (video is greatly preferred but audio is acceptable, and you should have a collaborative pianist where appropriate):
- One (1) movement of a standard concerto.*
- Two (2) additional works (or movements of works) in contrasting styles selected from the standard body of repertoire.*
- Two (2) standard orchestral excerpts.
*please note: the repertoire from requirements 1 & 2 should include at least one work by Bach or Mozart.
If you are invited for an on-campus audition, you should be prepared to play all of the above, with the addition of the following:
- Complete movements of all works presented.
- Four (4) to five (5) standard orchestral excerpts.
NOTE: If you are selected for a live audition, flute auditions will be held on the JMU campus on the Spring audition dates listed on the School of Music website.
Please contact Dr. Beth Chandler Cahill at chand2be@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact applicants that pass the pre-screening round to relay the next steps in the audition process. In conjunction with auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Return to Master of Music Admissions
Doctor of Musical Arts Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM flute pre-screening audition materials (video is greatly preferred but audio is acceptable, and you should have a collaborative pianist where appropriate):
- One (1) movement of a standard concerto.*
- Two (2) additional works (or movements of works) in contrasting styles selected from the standard body of repertoire.*
- Two (2) standard orchestral excerpts.
*please note: the repertoire from requirements 1 & 2 should include at least one work by Bach or Mozart.
If you are invited for an on-campus audition, you should be prepared to play all of the above, with the addition of the following:
- Complete movements of all works presented.
- One (1) to two (2) additional complete works, for a total of four (4) or five (5) complete works.**
- Four (4) to five (5) standard orchestral excerpts.
**please note: in addition to including a work by Bach and/or Mozart, one work should be contemporary. One work may be for unaccompanied flute. The repertoire presented should be a balanced recital program.
NOTE: If you are selected for a live audition, flute auditions will be held on the JMU campus on the Spring audition dates listed on the School of Music website.
Please contact Dr. Beth Chandler Cahill at chand2be@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact applicants that pass the pre-screening round to relay the next steps in the audition process. In conjunction with auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Undergraduate Auditions
Undergraduate (B.M. Bachelor of Music) audition requirements for oboe majors:
- Major scales
- Chromatic scale
- A minimum of two pieces of contrasting styles and character. Contrasting movements of a sonata, concerto, or standard etudes (such as Barret or Ferling) are acceptable. Pieces with two contrasting sections such as William Grant Still's Incantation and Dance or Emile Paladilhe's Solo for Oboe are also acceptable.
- Sightreading
For more information, contact Dr. Jeanette Zyko: zykojm@jmu.edu
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Master of Music Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM oboe pre-screening audition materials (video preferred):
- One (1) movement of a standard concerto
- Two (2) additional works (or movements of works) in contrasting styles
- Two (2) standard contrasting orchestral excerpts
If you are invited for an on-campus audition, you should be prepared to play all of the above, with the addition of the following:
- Two (2) additional work (or movements of works) in contrasting styles
- Two (2) additional standard contrasting orchestral excerpts
- Major and minor scales
- Sightreading (provided at audition)
NOTE: If you are selected for a live audition, oboe auditions will be held on the JMU campus on the Spring audition dates listed on the School of Music website.
Please contact Dr. Jeanette Zyko at zykojm@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact applicants that pass the pre-screening round to relay the next steps in the audition process. In conjunction with auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Return to Master of Music Admissions
Doctor of Musical Arts Graduate Auditions
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please contact Dr. Jeanette Zyko at zykojm@jmu.edu for pre-screening and audition information.
Areas will contact applicants that pass the pre-screening round to relay the next steps in the audition process. In conjunction with auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.
Undergraduate Auditions
Saxophonists are welcome to audition on alto, tenor, or baritone saxophone. It is important to perform on a good quality instrument (professional or intermediate model) that has recently been adjusted by a professional repair person.
All saxophone auditionees should prepare the following:
Chromatic scale, full range (low B-flat to high F#, or F), slurred up, legato down, at ANY steady tempo.
Two contrasting pieces, movements, or etudes, one slow/lyrical and one fast/technical. Suggestions include movements of the Creston Sonata, Tableaux de Provence, selections from the Glazunov Concerto, Ibert’s Concertino, or contrasting etudes from Ferling’s Famous 48 Studies.
OPTIONAL: A jazz selection, such as a solo transcription, etude, or improvisation.
NOTE: Students auditioning for the JAZZ MAJOR are REQUIRED to prepare two contrasting classical selections (see above), a jazz etude or solo transcription, and improvisation.
For more information, contact Professor David Pope: popedj@jmu.edu
Return to Undergraduate Admissions
Graduate Auditions (MM & DMA)
The application process for graduate music admissions involves submitting two applications:
1) The Graduate School Application
2) School of Music Application via Slideroom
Please submit the following for your MM saxophone audition materials:
- Desenclos: Prelude, Cadence, et Finale*
- Husa: Elegie et Rondeau*
- Ibert: Concertino da Camera*
- Jazz improvisation or prepared jazz piece is also welcome
*or literature of comparable difficulty
Please contact Professor David Pope at popedj@jmu.edu if you have any questions.
Areas will contact applicants that pass the pre-screening round to relay the next steps in the audition process. In conjunction with auditions, invited applicants will need to complete a writing prompt, solely for the purpose of assessing language skills. Date to be announced.