Located on the lower level of the Music Building, in the Music Library (room B59), is a place for music visualized. This gallery features rotating displays of art by local artists, both within the JMU community and beyond. What makes this gallery unique is the connection between visual art and music.
The gallery is open for all to visit during Music Library operational hours. Hours, directions, and parking information can be found in the Music Library.
For a complete listing of events plus more, please visit our facebook page.
For donations, questions about the gallery or for those interested in showing works in The little Gallery Underground, please contact Karen Snively at 540.568.6041 or via email at library-music@jmu.edu.
This gallery would not exist without the vision and encouragement of Brian Cockburn and Karen Snively. Also, a big thank you to Corinne Diop, Gary Freeburg, Kate Stevens, Melanie Brimhall, and Katherine Schwartz in the School of Art, Art History and Design, as well as Jeff Bush in the School of Music for their expert guidance, assistance, and support.
This project was made possible in part by an Innovative Initiative Grant from the JMU Libraries & Educational Technologies endowment. Many thanks to alumni/ae and friends for their financial support.
Learn about other galleries on campus