This FREE event will be held at the James Madison University School of Music on Saturday, March 29th from 10am-4pm. Oboists and reedmakers of all ages and experience levels are invited to attend!
Throughout the day, you'll work on your reedmaking efficiency and speed as well as the adjustments that make your reeds your reeds. This event will focus on scraping and adjusting oboe reeds starting from pre-tied blanks. Having some basic knife and scraping skills will be helpful but reedmakers of all levels are welcome and encouraged to attend! See below for more information on the day. For more information, please contact Dr. Jeanette Zyko at zykojm@jmu.edu.
Registration deadline is March 24.

What's included:
The day will include reed scraping and adjusting, oboe band sightreading, masterclasses, games, and more! There will also be time for lunch (food not included) and to visit Hodge Products' vendor table.
What to bring:
Bring your instrument, your reed case with current finished reeds (good & bad), 2-3 reed blanks, reedmaking tools, and lunch (or lunch money). Don't worry if you don't have your own equipment or tools yet—please come anyway! There will be some equipment available to share and there will be reedmaking tools and supplies available for purchase from Hodge Products as well as a limited number of reed blanks available to purchase from JMU oboe students.
General Schedule:
9:30am - Check-in/Registration (Lobby/Hallway outside of Music Building 142)
10:00am - Session 1: Reed analysis and adjustment; knife skills; and knife sharpening (Music Building 108)
12:30pm - Break/Visit Vendor Table (Music Building 108)
1:30pm - Masterclass (Music Building 142)
2:30pm - Session 2: Day One scrape, Day Two finishing; Grand Finale: Oboe Band (Music Building 108)
The JMU School of Music is located on the JMU Quad across the street from the Forbes Centerfor the Performing Arts. Guests may park in the Warsaw Parking Deck located at 157 Warsaw Ave, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. Click here for the JMU Campus Map.