Why do I need to audition?
The audition helps us find the orchestra that is right for you. You may be placed in an orchestra that seems “too difficult” with challenging pitches and rhythms. However, you may be placed in an orchestra that “seems easy,” but you can improve on techniques like vibrato and articulations. We believe that all of our orchestras are excellent learning opportunities.
What do I need to do for the audition?
You only need to perform the one scale below (your choice of rhythm and bowing) and a brief sight reading. You do NOT need to prepare a specific song. Sight reading and scales help determine the best ensemble for you.
Violin - G major scale (you choose 2 or 3 octave) and sightreading
Viola and Cello - C major scale (you choose 2 or 3 octave) and sightreading
Bass - G major scale (you choose 1 or 2 octave) and sightreading
What if my audition doesn’t go well?
Remember, no one has a “perfect” audition. Everyone - even professionals - wish they could play an audition better. To gain an accurate sense of each student’s accomplishments, students may audition only once for a judge. There are no “re-auditions.”
How will I know where my audition room is?
There will be signs throughout the music building which list the audition rooms. The first letter/digit tells you the floor you need:
B = basement 1 = 1st floor (ground level) 2 = 2nd floor 3 = 3rd floor
There is an elevator and stairwell by the Main Street entrance. A second stairwell is in the middle of the building and a third stairwell is near Alumnae Drive.