eID Folder Migration Updates
Information Technology-ComputingAs previously mentioned, Information Technology is requiring all JMU electronic identification (eID) folder users to migrate their data into Microsoft OneDrive by Summer 2025. With the change, you may be wondering how it affects you and if you need to take action. We've got you covered!
What is an eID folder?
An eID folder is an individual folder that was created on JMU's on-premises file shares (N Drive) that is only accessible to the individual and was named after their eID.
How do I know if I have an eID folder and where would I locate it?
eID folders are in one of the following locations, based upon your eID:
If you do not see a folder inside any of the locations listed above with your eID, then you do not have one, and you can disregard this phase of the project.
I received an email from Information Technology with scan results. What should I do?
You should begin looking through the files listed in the scan results to verify the presence of any highly confidential data, remembering that there may be false positives or that the scan results may not match your current files if you made changes after the scan was completed. As per the University Data Storage Standard, highly confidential data may not migrate into OneDrive.
If I'm ready to migrate my data to OneDrive, what's the best way to do so?
When you are ready to migrate your data, we recommend that you log in to www.onedrive.com with your JMU email and password. Click Add New in the top-left corner of the screen and then select either Files upload or Folder upload with the folders/files that you wish to keep from your eID folder.
Note: Please avoid using the File Explorer to copy & paste files into your OneDrive!
If you have any questions, please reach out to the IT Help Desk at (540)568-3555 or helpdesk@jmu.edu.