January 25, 2024
Off To Africa—Again: Education Professor Teresa Harris Earns Fulbright For Six-Month Teaching Trip
March 1, 2010: College of Education Professor Teresa Harris has earned Fulbright funding to teach early childhood education at a university and another school in South Africa from January to June, 2010.
Remote Reserve Makes Ideal Laboratory
March 1, 2010: Beza Mehafaly natives collect data on the sifakas year round, but capturing the animals and tagging them occurs only during Lawler's month-long visits, which he calls the "capture season."
Biology by the Numbers: Research Initiative Pairs Students and Faculty from Biology and Mathematics
February 1, 2010: Studying reflexes and the way body parts react to stimuli such as heat and cold is nothing new for biology students, but explaining the research using mathematics is breaking new ground.
Geology Faculty Earn Smithsonian Appointments, See Benefits for Students
January 1, 2010: Dr. John Haynes peers into the lens of a petrographic microscope to determine if the thin layers of rock he is looking at contains any volcanic material.
James Madison Innovations Begins Licensing JMU Inventions
February 1, 2010: A series of computer-based assessment tests developed by JMU faculty have been licensed to a start-up company from Washington, D.C., that is now marketing them to colleges and universities around the U.S. and the globe.
Off To Africa - Again: Education Professor Teresa Harris Earns Fulbright For Six-Month Teaching Trip
January 1, 2010: College of Education Professor Teresa Harris has earned Fulbright funding to teach early childhood education at a university and another school in South Africa from January to June, 2010.
Off To Africa - Again: Education Professor Teresa Harris Earns Fulbright For Six-Month Teaching Trip
January 1, 2010: College of Education Professor Teresa Harris has earned Fulbright funding to teach early childhood education at a university and another school in South Africa from January to June, 2010.
James Madison University