In This Issue:
- A Letter from Dr. Miller
- Family Weekend Wrap Up
- Spring 2025 Enrollment
- Time to Check Student Accounts
- 2025-26 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
- Mental Health Support and Services
- Housing Contracts: Live On Again! is Now Open!
- Future Housing Considerations
- Become an RA for 2025-2026
- Eating Made Easy: Adding Dining Dollars
- JMU Families Abroad
- Fall Fun & Community Impact with the Community Engagement & Volunteer Center
- Ride Transit To and From JMU
- Women’s Self-Defense Class
- Halloween Event: Nightmare at UREC
- Getting Your Student Prepared to Vote
- Get Your 2024 JMU Wall Calendar
- October Events at the Arboretum
- Planning a Trip to the ‘Burg this Fall?
- Take the JMU Libraries Video Tour
- JMU's Arts and Letters Review Fall 2024 Issue 5

The Madison Family Newsletter is created each month by the Office of Family Engagement in partnership with many members of the JMU community. For more family resources, visit our website.
A Letter from Dr. Tim Miller
Hey JMU families,
It was great seeing so many of you during Family Weekend and I loved getting to see you reconnect to your Dukes. I’m glad the weather was nice on Saturday and gave everyone the chance to get out and enjoy campus and the surrounding area. Over the next few weeks, the leaves will begin to change, and it will be one of the most beautiful times to live in the valley. Encourage your Duke to walk around campus, enjoy the Arboretum and send you some pictures so you can see what I’m talking about.
One great event to go outside for is the signing of the Okanagan Charter on Oct. 8 at 2 p.m. on the Festival Lawn, which I mentioned in last month’s newsletter. This is just the beginning of our long-term commitment to the health and well-being of our students, of our campus, and of the world we live in. I hope your Duke will join us as we commit to a future focus on Health and Well-being at JMU.
Parents Council updates
I spent the past weekend with the Parents Council and provided two different updates. First, Chief Tony Matos and I teamed up to talk about Campus Safety. We walked through safety strategies, communication around safety including JMU Shield (replacing LiveSafe), and shared information about how we are working to keep the campus community safe. In our Student Affairs Committee meeting, our University Career Center shared data that over 95% of the class of 2023 had a career outcome within six months of graduation. I always enjoy my time with our parents and appreciate your passion for JMU and your willingness to invest in this community through your involvement on the Council.
Fall Break
Fall Break will be here before you know it (Oct. 16 – 20) and it’s important to remember that every family manages this time differently. When we created this break a few years ago the goal was to provide students with a much-needed break at the mid-point of the semester. Some may use those days to disconnect from coursework while others will use it as an opportunity to catch up on or get ahead of class work. Many students will go home or visit friends at other universities but many also stay here at JMU. The university will be open during these days so don’t be surprised if they choose to stay here for some or all of the break. Dining hours will be different that week so encourage your Duke to do their research and plan ahead if they are staying here.
Election Day
We encourage our students to vote in every election and for many of them this will be their first opportunity to vote. To address many of the questions they may have about the process, this election guide and FAQ was created by the James Madison Center for Civic Engagement. I hope they do their research, and I strongly encourage them to vote so that their voice can be heard.
Questions to ask your student
What are your feelings right now about where you want to live next year?
Tip: This is a chance to clarify expectations about living on campus or off, set a budget if the plan is to live off campus, and begin researching options about where and when to sign. I’m not recommending that they make a decision right now, but it is a good time to start talking about it. They should not sign a lease before you all discuss and come to a family decision, and I recommend you make that clear.
What are your plans for Fall Break?
Tip: For many of our students this will be the first time they are making a choice about where to go for a break. I recommend you discuss this soon if you haven’t already. If they come home for break, I recommend a conversation ahead of time about expectations, plans, etc. Unlike Thanksgiving, their friends won’t all be home at the same time so they may not disappear on you to visit others, and they may decide to go visit a friend at another college. If they come home, give them time to sleep as soon as they arrive and don’t make big plans for that first day/night. I also recommend either cooking their favorite meal and/or going to their favorite restaurant at some point during their time at home. If they are home, enjoy the time together.
This month will be full of events and chances for your Dukes to get out there and enjoy all JMU has to offer. The events calendar and Dukes Weekly are the best ways to keep up with all that is happening on campus.
Here are a few suggestions:
Halftime on the Quad | Oct. 9 | 5 – 6:30 p.m. | The Quad
Homecoming | Oct. 25-27
Nightmare at UREC | Oct. 31 | 9 – 11:30 p.m. | UREC
With Homecoming and Halloween occurring around the same time, there will be a lot of celebrations and events happening. Please reinforce with your students how important it is to have a plan before they go out and to be aware of their surroundings. We have a large number of visitors to campus during these weekends, and our students need to be aware of who they are with and be focused on their safety. It’s important for everyone to stay in groups, have a safe way home, and look out for each other.
It’s been a great first half of the semester, I’m looking forward to a successful second half!
Go Dukes!
Dr. Tim Miller
Vice President for Student Affairs
We are so grateful for everyone who was able to join us for Family Weekend and missed those who weren't able to attend! Thousands of families joined their students on campus for a winning football game, on-campus dining events, Friday Night Flights, and more! Each year during halftime of the Family Weekend football game, the JMU community recognizes an outstanding parent or family member based on student nominations. We were pleased to present the 2024 Family Member of the Year Award to Brad Vaughan, who was nominated by his daughter, Lauren '25. Visit our website for more Family Weekend information, photo booth photos, and more.
Please take a moment and complete a brief two minute 2024 Family Weekend Survey. We value your feedback, and submissions will only be used to further enhance future Family Weekend programming.
The 2025 Family Weekend dates are determined by the football schedule and will be posted on the website once finalized this spring.
Submitted by: Office of the Registrar
Your student is getting ready to begin enrollment for Winter and Spring 2025 classes on November 4, 2024. We understand that enrollment can be stressful for some students. Here are some things that we have found helpful when talking about enrollment with students:
- We recommend that students log into MyMadison a few days before enrollment begins. This allows them to ensure that their MyMadison password is up to date. At this time, they need to check for holds that prevent enrollment and rectify any holds as quickly as possible. These are two of the most common, preventable, issues students face with enrollment.
- Students should identify the classes needed to make progress toward their degree and meet or make contact with their advisor(s), if necessary.
- Students should verify that they meet all the requisites for the classes so they will not have trouble enrolling. This can be done by looking at the class information in the class search.
- Students need to anticipate a certain amount of flexibility with their schedules. There is an ideal schedule that every student might want… no 8:00am classes, all classes finished by 2:30pm, etc. Unfortunately, that is not always possible. We encourage students to prepare several options for their schedule so they can easily pivot if their previous choice is now full.
Your student’s advisor(s) is the best resource for discussing class options to meet requirements within their major. If your student is not able to schedule an appointment with their advisor, the Madison Advising Peers (MAPs) are a great resource as well. Information about the MAPs can be found on their website.
Time to Check Student Accounts
Submitted by: Brandon Cline-Taskey, Director, University Business Office
Registration for spring will be here before you know it. Now is a good time to make sure that your student checks their account for any registration holds caused by student account balances, fines or fees. Most fines and fees are sent to the University Business Office to be collected through M3. The main exception to this is that parking fines stay in the Parking office for 30 days before being transferred to UBO. If you are an Authorized User, you can check M3 yourself as well.
In the UBO, we try not to make these items a surprise. Students and their Authorized Users are sent a statement notification email every two weeks if there is a balance on the account. In addition, students receive a weekly email every Monday if they have a UBO hold on their account.
2025-26 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Submitted by: Jessica Hopkins, Assistant Director of Compliance, Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is normally available on October 1st; however, the Department of Education is saying the 2025-26 FAFSA will not be available until December 1, 2024. When the FAFSA is released, it will be available at Beginning in December, please plan to check this website as well as ours ( for more information.
To ensure you receive priority consideration for all types of financial assistance, the federal government must receive and process your 2025-26 FAFSA by March 1, 2025. This is JMU’s priority filing date. In some cases, filing later can reduce your chances of receiving certain types of financial aid, including state grants.
Please note that meeting the priority filing date does not guarantee that you will receive university or state grant dollars. The number of eligible students and the size of our annual funding allocations are significant factors in determining whether sufficient funds are available to award all those who qualify.
Submitting a FAFSA comes with no strings attached. The application is free and available online at
More information about the FAFSA, including videos, can be found on our website.
Mental Health Support and Services
Submitted by: Nina H. Critz, LPC, Associate Director for Administration, Counseling Center
As a family member, it is common that your student comes to you first when feeling distressed or overwhelmed. You can provide your student with a safe and compassionate listening ear. However, in some cases, you might find yourself in a situation where you feel they need more specialized help than you are able to provide. If this is the case, please know that the JMU Counseling Center is available for your student.
The Counseling Center offers a wide variety of free and confidential clinical services and it all starts with the first appointment. To access services for the first time, a student should visit the Counseling Center during our walk-in hours, Monday - Friday, 10am - 3pm. During this visit, students provide basic information to front desk staff, complete online forms, and meet with a clinician to discuss treatment needs and receive resource referral recommendations.
If you are unsure about how to support your student, please feel free to call us at 540-568-6552 to consult with a Counseling Center clinician.
Submitted by: Sydney Wood, Social Media and Marketing Manager, Residence Life
The Live on Again contract is live! Due to the overwhelming demand of student housing contracts for 2025-2026, Residence Life is nearing capacity for 2025-2026 contracts. At this time, Residence Life is anticipating a shift to the waitlist sometime the week of Oct. 7. Students should continue to check their email. They will be notified by email when the waitlist process will begin.
Future Housing Considerations
Submitted by: Jeremy Hawkins, Assistant Director, Off-Campus Life
The pressure students face in making the decision to live on or off campus their second year starts early in the Harrisonburg community. Off-campus apartment complexes and rental companies start their lease signing process for the coming year in early October, and the marketing aimed at students is designed to create a sense of urgency to sign a lease quickly. However, your student should take their time to make an informed decision.
Residence Life (RL) and Off-Campus Life (OCL) encourage students to live on campus for at least two years. Research shows that compared to college students who live off campus, students who live in the residence halls are more likely to graduate, more involved in co-curricular, social and cultural events on campus, more positive about the social climate and interact more frequently with faculty members and peers.
Living on campus has benefits that should be carefully considered in making this critical decision. Live safe, in an environment with only other Dukes, access that is restricted to residents, and facilities that meet all state mandated fire codes. Live close, where all of campus is a short walk or bus ride from your residence hall, and parking is never a concern. Live supported, with Resident Advisers and Hall Directors who are there and available to help you with everyday life. Live engaged, with frequent hall programming and opportunities to interact with fellow residents. You can find out more about living on campus at
While we know that every successful JMU student may need to live in off-campus housing at some point in their college career, there are several considerations that all students should consider before they make the decision on where they want to live next year and we encourage you to talk through these points with your student:
- Have researched all their options, feel confident in their housing decision, and moving off campus is the right decision for them
- Understand the legally binding nature of a lease and how to read one
- Ideally, they have known their future roommates longer than just a few weeks
- Understand personal finance and how they will budget their money
- Know how they will travel to and from campus
- Understand that they can still use on-campus meal plans
Off-Campus Life offers workshops, resources, and one-on-one counseling to help address these critical areas. We encourage students considering moving off-campus to come and talk with us in the Office of Off-Campus Life and to peruse our website at for all kinds of information about how to make this decision.
We hope this information is helpful to you and your student as you begin to think about student housing for 2025-2026. Please reach out to RL or OCL if we can help.
Do you have a first-year student on campus? Please help us advocate for your student and take a moment to fill out this brief survey.
Submitted by: Sydney Wood, Social Media and Marketing Manager, Residence Life
Priority RA Applications open on October 24 at 8:00 p.m. and close on October 31 at 11:59 p.m.
Eating Made Easy: Adding Dining Dollars
Submitted By: Jenna Gray, Director of Student Engagement, JMU Dining
Is your Duke running low on funds?
They don’t need to be on a meal plan to add Dining Dollars – Gold that is! You can add Dining Dollars Gold to your student’s account today! The tax-free declining balance spends dollar for dollar and can be used at any JMU on-campus dining location, including vending machines and concessions – purchases at the university stadium, arena, and sports fields. Why go for the gold? They don’t expire! Dining Dollars Gold will stay with you as long as you’re a student at JMU.
Limited Time Offer
Plus, for a limited time only, purchase $100 or more in Dining Dollars, now through 10/31/24, and your Duke will automatically be entered to win an exclusive JMU Dining Fan Favorites T-Shirt Bundle. The offer includes the following t-shirts: Taco Tuesday, Peanut Butter Pie Wednesday, Chicken Nugget Thursday, Cheesy Thursday, and Buffalo Mash Friday. One lucky winner will be announced on 11/8/24.
The Benefits
No matter the type, Dining Dollars, or Dining Dollars Gold, enjoy these benefits:
- They’re tax-free; guaranteed savings over cash, credit, or Flex Dollars
- More spending power than meal “punches”
- They can be used for a guest purchase
- Convenience: parents, friends, and family can deposit money anytime
For more information on making a purchase, contact JMU Card Services at 540-568-6446 or email:
Submitted by: Study Abroad, Center for Global Engagement & Office of Family Engagement
The JMU Families Abroad: A Taste of Study Abroad in Spain is a one-week, hands-on, learning abroad program designed specifically for JMU students and their family members. This unique initiative aims to encourage global-mindedness, support study abroad opportunities, and provide both JMU students and their parents with a transformative international experience.
The program travels to Madrid and Salamanca, Spain. Participants will stay in centrally located hotels. Meals are provided.
Dates: June 8-15, 2025 Registration opens October 18th at 10am. Spots are limited and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Fall Fun & Community Impact with the Community Engagement & Volunteer Center

Submitted by: Lindsey Richards, Assistant Director, Engagement, Communication, & Innovation, CEVC
As October arrives, the CEVC is excited to share how your Duke can engage in fun, creative, and impactful community activities!
Alternative January Breaks: Dukes traveling with fellow community-minded Dukes
- Dates: January 11-18, 2025
- Cost: $350 (need-based scholarships available)
- Deadline: November 17 at 11:59pm
- Highlights:
- East Coast Migrant Head Start Project (Faison, NC) Support youth education
- Loop It Up Savannah (APO members only) Hands-on arts and STEAM projectes in Savannah, GA
- Project C.U.R.E. (FSL members only) Sort medical supply donations in Nashville, TN
Lead an Alternative Driving Spring Break: Dukes interested in leading change, apply to be an Alternative Spring Driving Break Leader!
- Dates: March 15-22, 2025
- Deadline: November 3 at 11:59pm
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities: Dukes stay engaged this October with our ongoing volunteer programs
- Food Recovery Network: Mondays, Oct. 7 – Nov. 18, 3:15-5pm; Help recover unused food from east campus dining hall for local organizations
- Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community: Tuesday, Oct. 8, 10-11am; Support activities with memory care residents
- Jubilee Climate Farm: Fridays, Oct. 4, 11 & 25, 1-2:30pm; Build natural solutions to climate change and food security.
On-Campus Events:
- Chills & Thrills Happy Hour: Friday, Oct. 11, 11am-1pm; Pumpkin carving, snacks, and peer networking
- Friendsgiving Happy Hour: Friday, November 8 (11am-1pm; Food, friends, crafts, peer networking
For more information, visit, contact us at or 540-568-6366.
Submitted by: Valerie Kramer, Alternative Transportation Manager, Parking and Transit Services
JMU Alternative Transportation is here to help you and your Duke travel by transit to and from campus. When booking a coach bus service for breaks, if the service is full and says “join wait list” we recommend joining. Services will add as many buses as they can based on need.
Amtrak has just announced a new Floridian route that will go from Chicago to Florida, arcing through PA, DC, VA, and NC, among other places. If you or your Duke need to get home to somewhere the coach buses don't usually go, such as Pittsburg or Raleigh, this train can take them there. Just take the Virginia Breeze Bus Lines to Union Station in DC to link up with Amtrak.
When taking Amtrak to return to JMU, the easiest and most reliable way to arrive back on campus is to get off Amtrak in DC and get on the Virginia Breeze, which drops off at the Godwin Transit Center in the middle of campus. The Staunton Amtrak may seem like a good choice because it is 25 miles from JMU, but the only transit to campus from there is the Brite Bus, which operates M-F business hours. On evenings and weekends the only option is to call a taxi or ride service.
Thank you for using transit to travel to and from JMU!
Women’s Self-Defense Class
Submitted by: Jason Phillips, Patrol Sergeant, JMU Police Department
The goal of the Women's Self-Defense Class is to empower participants with knowledge and physical defense options to boost their vigilance in recognizing threatening situations and mitigating the occurrence of assault. This six-week program will develop confidence through repetition of defensive techniques. Participants will gradually progress from static to dynamic application of self-defense techniques.
*Please be advised that this women’s self-defense class may include physical contact, simulated but realistic scenarios and discussions related to personal safety, which could be potentially triggering for some participants. We encourage open communication and self-care during each class, although, individuals with sensitivities to such content are encouraged to assess their comfort level before participating and/or make the instructor aware of any personalized needs.
JMU offers the following resources for students and we encourage contacting a professional as soon as possible:
- Counseling Center
- Victim Advocacy
- TimelyCare
Many of our past student participants agree and have stated the following: “Women’s Self Defense (a.k.a. Women’s Ninja Club) is a great way to learn how to protect yourself as well as build self-confidence. The class provides a fun, safe, and welcoming environment to learn in. I have taken the class multiple times and highly recommend taking it!” Alexandra Penny (JMU 24)
"This class taught me all the basic skills I might need to defend myself, and I feel more confident in my abilities! Also, it's a great community of girls and instructors that make for a safe and supporting environment." Kayla Sehein (JMU 23)
There are 2 six-week classes per semester. The next one begins October 23. This class can be found at the JMU shield app under "safety toolbox" and then under "women's self defense".
Halloween Event: Nightmare at UREC
Submitted by: Anaëlle Wagoner, Assistant Director for Communications & Engagement, University Recreation
It’s spooky season! Nightmare at UREC is a fantastic event for your college student to unwind and have fun in a safe, festive environment on Halloween (10/31). This annual event features exciting activities like spooky attractions, silent disco, pumpkin carving and opportunities to win prizes. It’s a great way for students to enjoy the season, relieve stress, and build lasting friendships on campus. Encourage your Duke to attend and experience all the thrills that this memorable night has to offer!
Submitted by: Dr. Monica McEnerny, Interim Associate Director, Madison Center for Civic Engagement
November 5 is just around the corner. There are two ways you can help your Duke get ready to vote in November: (1) ensure they are registered to vote by October 15th; and (2) help them make a voting plan.
All Dukes can access JMU's TurboVote today to register to vote, check their registration status, or order an absentee ballot to vote by mail. Check out the Dukes Vote Election Guide and FAQ for more information on registering to vote.
Knowing whether they intend to vote by mail or whether they will be voting in person is key to students feeling ready to vote. In Virginia, the deadline to apply for a ballot to be mailed to you is October 25. In Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania the deadline is Oct 29 and New York is October 19. If students plan to vote by mail, make sure they list their on- or off-campus mailing address so their ballot is sent directly to them and not to their permanent address. If your student is coming home for Fall Break this month, encourage them to visit your town's election department and vote early in person. In fact, we encourage you to make it a family affair and go to the polls together!
Questions? Please contact or follow @jmucivic on social media.

Submitted by: Liz Fravel, Associate Director, Annual Giving
Filled with gorgeous campus photos taken by JMU alumni, students, family and friends, each month celebrates your connection with JMU. You will receive one calendar for each contribution of $25 or more to the Parents and Families Fund by October 27.
Submitted by: Ivy Makia, Marketing Specialist, Edith J. Carrier Arboretum
The Edith J. Carrier Arboretum will be jam-packed with workshops and talks from succulents and terrariums to beneficial insects and plant swaps! Follow us on social media or visit our events page so you're always in the know! Is your student looking for ways to get involved? Encourage them to volunteer or apply to work at the Arboretum! For more information email
Submitted by: Jim Heffernan, Associate Director, Content Marketing Editor, Madison Magazine
Check out Madison magazine’s Eat Like a Local dining guide, authored by local food blogger Sarah Golibart Gorman (’14, ‘15M), aka the “Friendly City Foodie.”
Whether you’re in town for a day, overnight or a weekend, Harrisonburg has a wealth of culinary options to satisfy your cravings.
For more on the vibrant local food scene, including sample itineraries, download the Madison app.
Submitted by: Emily Blake Assistant Director of Communications & Marketing Libraries
In case you haven't seen all our library locations in person, you can take a video tour of the JMU Libraries buildings and spaces! All four library locations are available to all JMU students. They include Rose Library on East Campus, JMU Libraries Express and the Music Library near the Quad, and the Educational Technology and Media Center (ETMC) in Memorial Hall. Get to know all four locations in this video!
JMU's Arts and Letters Review Fall 2024 Issue 5
Submitted by: Siân White, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Letters
The Arts and Letters Review Fall Issue 5 is available! Learn about students, faculty, staff, and alumni from the JMU College of Arts and Letters. Sign up to receive future issues by email:
Join 12,000+ fellow JMU parents and guardians in the official Facebook group! This group was created by the Office of Family Engagement in an effort to provide a safe online environment for parents & family members to engage with one another. Request to join the group here »