Phone Number: 540-568-7646
Email: madisonadvisingpeers@jmu.edu
The Madison Advising Peers (MAPs) are JMU undergraduate students dedicated to helping their fellow Dukes. The MAPs are available to students of any major to assist with general academic advising questions. The MAPs can help students:
- change a major/minor/concentration
- check academic requirements
- navigate MyMadison
- and more!
The Madison Advising Peers are now offering in-person drop-in times at the following times/locations beginning on January 21:
SSC 4045, Monday-Thursday: 10am-5pm and Fridays: 10am-2:30pm
University Advising and the Madison Advising Peers office will be closed everyday from 12-1pm.
Schedule an Appointment with a MAP
Schedule an appointment with one of our Madison Advising Peers (MAP). Please note that each MAP has different days/times available, so make sure you find what works best for you! After selecting a time, you will receive a confirmation email for your meeting time and chosen method. If you selected a video appointment, please make sure to download Zoom to your computer BEFORE the session begins. When it is time for your session, follow the instructions in the confirmation email and a MAP will be in contact with you. Allow us a few minutes to troubleshoot any issues. Ready to schedule an appointment?
If you have questions about the MAP's program, please email Jamie Whisman: claytojp@jmu.edu.
General MAPs
Biology MAP
Honors College MAPs
Lobby of the Hillcrest Annex building-located directly behind Hillcrest House