The Accessible Media & Technology program provides captioning and transcription for students with qualifying disabilities. 

  1. When you receive your accommodation, you’ll be scheduled to meet with an Accessible Media staff member to discuss how the program works.
  2. Talk with each of your professors as soon as possible—preferably the first week of classes—to ask if they will use videos or recorded audio materials for the class.


  • It’s important to ask every professor. All types of classes, from science to writing to calculus, can incorporate videos or recorded audio.
  • Please do not wait until the professor actually begins to use videos or audio in class! Captioning can be time-consuming, so we cannot guarantee that last-minute requests will be fulfilled in time to keep up with the class.
  • If your professor will use video or audio recordings, please direct them to contact the Accessible Media & Technology office so we can coordinate and get the materials that you need.

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