The JMU Fact Book contains a collection of selected data about JMU students and employees. The data represented in the interactive Fact Book are snapshots on the census date and are submitted to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Most displays are updated in late Fall term.
Fact Book Sections

The JMU Factbook is arranged topically.

Admissions Data  (Last updated Fall 2024)
Data for Incoming Students, including number of applications for first-year and transfer students.

Student Enrollment Data  (Last updated Fall 2024)
Data about current students, including demographics and majors.

Course Enrollment Data  (Last updated Fall 2024)
Data about credit hours taken and grades distributed by department.

Degrees Awarded  (Last updated Fall 2024)
Data for degrees and certificates awarded.

Retention and Graduation Rates  (Last updated Fall 2023)
Data on student retention and graduation rates.

Faculty and Staff Data  (Last updated Fall 2023)
Data about faculty and staff, including tenure and length of employment trends.

Programs  (Last updated Fall 2024)
List of undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs.

For those who have used the historical Fact Book, the 2022 version was the last time these tables were updated in their prior form. PAIR has worked to ensure that all data available in the historical views are still available. If you cannot find what you have used in the past, please submit a Request for Data and we will be happy to assist you. Please reference the table number in your request.

Need different data?

If you need data that the Fact Book cannot provide, please submit a data request.

Request for Data

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