Because Phi Kappa Phi is a nationally recognized and academically prestigious organization, students who can claim membership in Phi Kappa Phi show employers and graduate school admissions committees evidence of their academic achievements and their commitment to scholarly pursuits. Membership in Phi Kappa Phi is thus a means for students to signal their superior performance and achievements in higher education. 

Upon initiation into the organization, students receive a year's subscription to the Phi Kappa Phi Forum, a Phi Kappa Phi pin, charm, or tie tack, a medallion to wear at graduation, and a certificate of membership. 

Juniors will have an opportunity to compete the year following their initiation for a substantial fellowship or award of excellence granted by the national organization, and for smaller scholarships granted by the JMU chapter. 

Phi Kappa Phi members may use the national organization's Career Connection Service to help search for a job. Furthermore, members are eligible for a discount of $75 off The Princeton Review GMAT, GRE, LSAT or MCAT preparation courses. More details are available at the national website.

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