The John C. Well Planetarium is open for school groups and community groups for the 2024-2025 school year.

IMPORTANT: This form is only to be completed by school groups (public, private, home school, etc) -OR- community groups (churches, boy scouts, girl guides etc) to make reservations to visit the Planetarium during the week and not to reserve seats for our free shows on Saturdays. We do not take reservations for Saturday shows. Before completing the reservation form below, please make sure to REVIEW our reservation calendar to ensure that your requested date/time is available.

ADMISSION CHARGE: The John C. Wells Planetarium charges $60 per reservation for any school group (public/private/home-school) or community group that visits us. We prefer that payment be made online at Submit payment online . If you wish to pay by check, please email Bree Emurian ( to request an invoice at least 14 days before your reservation. In your email, please include the name and billing address of the school or group that is visiting, the date(s) of your reservation(s), and how many reservations for which you intend to pay. 

Please note: A $50 fee will be assessed for any check returned by the bank.

TEACHERS: Please review our NEW VA SOLs show information guide for help in selecting a program for your class field trip! 

Make a Reservation


Planetarium Parking

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