Mission Statement

In support of the mission of James Madison University, the JMU Police Department is dedicated to developing partnerships with the community we serve to enhance the goal of providing quality higher education. We will earn the public's trust through community engagement to:

Support academic freedom, respect people, protect civil and human rights, and provide a safe environment to foster the open exchange of ideas.

We will work collaboratively to prevent crime and disorder through a compassionate and empathetic police department, supporting our students, faculty, and staff in their goals to lead productive and meaningful lives.

Anthony D. Matos, Chief of Police


Non-Emergency Reporting Options

Report an incident of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct:

Title IX Office

Laura Sider Jost   Title IX Coordinator
Holland Yates Hall (formerly Madison Hall) 4035
100 East Grace Street, MSC 7806
Harrisonburg, VA  22807
Email: siderlk@jmu.edu

Title IX Office: (540) 568-5219

Report complaints of discrimination and harassment - discrimination due to age, color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, parental status, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status:

Office of Equal Opportunity

Office of Equal Opportunity
James Madison Admin Complex #2, MSC 5802
1017 Harrison Street
Harrisonburg, Va 22807
(540) 568-6991 

Report incidents for disciplinary action (employee):

Human Resources

Wine-Price Building, MSC 7009
752 Ott Street 
Harrisonburg, Va 22807

Any JMU student, faculty, or staff member believing that a student has violated a university policy may bring an alleged policy violation by giving relevant details of the alleged violation to OSARP.

Office of Student Accountability and Restorative Practices

Office of Student Accountability and Restorative Practices
Student Success Center, MSC 29017
438 S. Mason Street
Harrisonburg, Va 22807


Safe Rides
(540) JMU-RIDE  (540-568-7433)

Safe Rides provides free rides to intoxicated students and/or to students who are rendered incapable of transportation due to other circumstances

Madison Cares
(540) 568-6468

Madison Cares is a centralized program for departments, students, parents, and community members to refer or consult about students of concern. We will operate as an extended arm to students experiencing varying levels of social, emotional, academic, or mental-health stressors.

Collins Center

Collins Center  serves the community through its programs:

  • The Sexual Assault Crisis Program advocates for those affected by sexual violence
    through crisis services, support groups, and medical and legal accompaniment.
  • The Prevention Programs work to strengthen relationships through education in order to
    end violence in our community.
  • The Treatment Program strives to provide quality, accessible mental health services in
    our community.

Dean of Students

Main Line: (540) 568-6468

James Madison University
Student Success Center - Suite 3010
738 S. Mason St. - MSC 3534
Harrisonburg, VA 22807

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