This First-Year/Transfer Cancellation Notice is to be completed by the admitted first-year student, prior to the first day of classes, who no longer wants to attend JMU. Current JMU students should complete the Non-Return/Leave of Absence Notice to notify JMU that they will not return.

*Name (Last, First Middle Initial): ,

*Student ID Number (preferred) OR e-ID:

*Date of Birth:

*Phone Number: () - *Preferred Email:

*Term Withdrawing:

*Reason for Cancelling Admission: (please check one)


Comments/Reason for Cancelling Admission:

*You must confirm your understanding of your cancellation from JMU by checking the boxes below:

I understand that by completing this cancellation notice, my financial aid application, and all financial aid offers, including scholarships, grants, etc., may be cancelled. If I decide to apply to JMU in the future, I understand that I need to complete a new financial aid application, and re-start the process for the semester I am admitted.

I understand that I qualify for a refund of my deposit from the Office of Admissions if this form is completed by my deposit refund date. I understand that if I decide to come back to JMU in the future, I must re-apply through the Office of Admissions.

I understand that the Orientation and Transition fee will not be refunded. The fee covers all orientation materials, preparation, and programs. All students are charged the Orientation and Transition fee whether or not they choose to attend Orientation or Weeks of Welcome activities.

I understand that if I have signed a housing contract with the Office of Residence Life, I must notify them by calling 540-568-4663, in addition to cancelling my admission to JMU. If I decide to return to JMU in the future, I will need to contact the Office of Residence Life to re-activate my housing contract, and arrange housing.

I have read, and checked, the above statements and understand that once this form is signed, dated, and submitted to the Office of the Registrar, that my admission has been cancelled. I understand that I will be notified via the preferred email listed above to confirm my cancellation.

*Student Signature: *Date:

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