Where do I go to view my official grades?
You can view your official grades from your Student Center in MyMadison. From the Academics section, click on “other academics” arrow to get selection of choices. To view grades by individual term, select “Grades.” To view grades for all semesters, select “Transcripts: View Unofficial.” Click on the double arrows to process.
A grade of NR is showing on my transcript. What is a NR grade?
Any grade left blank on a grade roster will be filled in with the NR designator. The NR stands for “Not Recorded” and indicates that a grade was not entered on the grade roster. Basically, the instructor has not yet submitted a grade for you. Any questions about a grade or lack of grade, should be addressed to the instructor of the course.
A class I took has a different final grade showing in CANVAS than what appears in MyMadison.
CANVAS is a tool an instructor uses to communicate with students. Although your instructor may show your grade on CANVAS; that is not where official grades are stored. The grade showing on your transcript in MyMadison is the one that will factor into your GPA. Your transcript is your official academic record at JMU.
Contact your professor if you believe that the grade in MyMadison is incorrect.
Will you send my grades to my parents?
JMU does not automatically send grades to parents. You may show your grades to your parents via MyMadison.
The Registrar’s Office will only mail grades to a parent with verification of your dependent status and an official written request from your parent. For more information and to access the appropriate forms, go to the Dependent Student Requests.