Please use the directory below to locate information on the Faculty Research Council members.

The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.

First Name Last Name Department JMU Directory
Yonathan Admassu Geology and Environmental Science admassyx
Jennifer Almjeld Center for Faculty Innovation almjeljm
Charles Bailey Accounting baile2cd
Dennis Blanton Sociology/Anthropology blantodb
John Bowers Computer Science bowersjc
Rebecca Brannon History brannorn
Edward Brantmeier Center for Faculty Innovation brantmej
Vacant The Graduate School
Bud Clarke Marketing clarkeix
Jennifer Coffman Center for Global Engagement coffmaje
Angela Crow Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication crowad
Ben Delp Research and Scholarship delpbt
Laura Desportes Educational Foundations & Exceptionalities desporlx
Jeff Dyche Psychology dychejs
Vacant Honors College
Evan Friss History frissej
Mark Gabriele Biology gabrieml
Eric Gorton University Communications:
Media Relations
Lincoln Gray Communication Sciences and Disorders graylc
Tamara Hatch Sponsored Programs hatchtt
Laura Katzman School of Art Design and Art History katzmalr
Caroline Lubert Mathematics and Statistics lubertcp
Sarah MacDonald Outreach and Engagement macdonsk
Smita Mathur Early, Elementary and Reading Education mathursx
Benjamin Meade Justice Studies meadebd
Jonathan Miles Integrated Science and Technology milesjj
Robert Nagel Engineering nagelrl
Debbie Perrone Strategic Research Support perrondl
Carolyn Schubert JMU Libraries - Research and Education Services schubecf
Benjamin Selznick School of Leadership Studies selznibs
David Stringham School of Music stringda
Carolyn Strong Research Integrity strongcd
Jennifer Taylor Political Science taylo2ja
Liz Thompson JMU Libraries - Research and Education Services thomp3ea
Chris Womack Kinesiology womackcx


For questions related to the Faculty Research Council, please contact Ben Delp or Dr. Jonathan Miles.

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