To recognize early career, tenure-track faculty members who have demonstrated significant achievement in research, scholarship and/or creative work.
Inclusive excellence in faculty research, scholarship and creative work prepares a diverse student population and inspires innovation. To integrate scholarship, service and teaching by enhancing student learning and providing a challenging, supportive environment with a heightened sense of intellectual stimulation, the Provost Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship recognizes innovative and sustained activities in scholarly pursuits across academic disciplines. Recipients of the award provide JMU students with a stimulating environment that fosters learning and affirms the university as an intellectual and cultural leader.
Important Dates
- Colleges submit their award winner and one-page letter to Ben Delp by Friday, January 31, 2025.
- Award winners will be honored at the Academic Affairs Awards Recognition Luncheon on Thursday, May 1, 2025, and receive a $1,000 honorarium.
- Award winners will also have an opportunity to share their research, scholarship and creative work during the Madison Celebration of Research and Scholarship event (to be held during the 2025 Fall Semester).
2025 Award Winners
Nomination Process
The College of Arts & Letters, College of Business, College of Education, College of Health & Behavioral Studies, College of Integrated Science & Engineering, College of Science & Mathematics, College of Visual & Performing Arts and JMU Libraries will each submit one award winner on behalf of the college. To be accepted, nominees must be an early career, tenure-track faculty member, defined as a faculty member who has not yet received tenure. Self-nominations will not be accepted. College nominators are responsible for working with the nominee to gather information to submit a one-page support letter highlighting the nominee's scholarly activities and accomplishments.
Selection Criteria
Colleges might consider utilizing the following selection criteria to determine a nominee:
- Advancing the knowledge base of inclusive excellence topics and/or demonstrating inclusive representation in the research, scholarship or creative work process
- Scholarly achievements through peer-reviewed publications, conference papers, performances, exhibits and/or other scholarly and creative works
- Impact on discipline at the local, regional, state, national and/or international levels
- Engaging undergraduate and/or graduate students in applied creative work/scholarship and/or theoretical research activities
- Implementing an interdisciplinary approach to research/creative work
- Developing relationships with off-campus organizations (academia, government, industry, not-for-profit) and incorporating community engagement efforts into research and creative works
- Facilitating inquiry into effective models and implementation of innovative teaching methods which advance the scholarship of teaching and learning
- Serving and leading on unit, college, university, local, state, regional, national or international committees focused on scholarship and creative work
- Serving as a reviewer for funding agencies, scholarly publications or other external academic organizations
- Ability to secure internal and/or external sponsored project funding
Questions regarding your college’s awards process should be directed to your AUH. Please contact Ben Delp with any general questions. Visit the Provost’s website for more information about the Provost Awards for Excellence.
Past Award Winners
- 2024 - Sergiy Dmytriyev, Joseph Kush, Shraddha Joshi, William Lukens, Rachel Rhoades, Benjamin Riden and Ja’La Wourman
- 2023 - Tobias Gerken, Jessica Lantz, Sarah Lupo, Tobias Reynolds-Tylus, Christina Rost, Hannah Sions, Nara Yoon and Emily Zane
- 2022 - Ailton Santonio Coleman, Rebecca French, Kelly Naletelich,Matt Pardo, Paul Raston, Maryam Sharifian, Case Watkins and Kayla Yurco
- 2021 - Mark Rankin
- 2020 - Gina MacDonald
- 2019 - Sharon Mazzarella
- 2018 - Chris Lantz
- 2017 - Paul Bogard
- 2016 - Kenn Barron
- 2015 - Steve Whisnant
- 2014 - Conley McMullen
- 2013 - Louise Temple
- 2012 - Kevin Giovanetti
- 2011 - Ioana Niculescu
- 2010 - Dennis Barlow
- 2009 - Reid Harris
- 2008 - Steven Evans
- 2007 - Patricia Buennemeyer