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Enrolling in classes as a minor

Students can minor in Art, Art History or Book Arts, providing there is space available. These minors will:

• Broaden understanding of the value and role of the visual arts in general culture.
• Deepen appreciation for personal artistic production.
• Enhance creativity and ability to think independently. 

Our classes are initially restricted to majors only, and overrides are not granted for any classes during the initial enrollment period. Minors receive an email when classes become available to them several weeks into the enrollment period. During Fall registration, minors receive this email in late July, once course registration is made available again. Overrides are not granted until a few weeks prior to the start of classes. There are no restrictions based on declared major/minor for our summer session offerings.

Minor in Art

The Art minor attempts to broaden students' understandings of the value and role of the visual arts in general culture, deepen their appreciation for personal artistic production, and enhance their creativity and ability to think independently.

The Art minor requires an exploration in art studio, architectural design, graphic design or industrial design. Many 300-level classes have 200-level prerequisites that may be selected as the electives; contact your minor advisor to make sure your plan for progress is in place. The student’s minor program is subject to the approval of the school director. Details are noted in the link below.

The Art minor is open to all JMU students, but initial registration in ART, ARCD, GRPH and INDU classes is limited to SADAH majors only. Art Minors will receive an email when registration is open to them. Contact the course professor about overrides and prerequisites. Note that most 300-level design classes are not available to non-majors during the regular academic year. Prerequisites and restrictions are normally waived during the Summer Session, so that can be a good time to take your minor classes.

There is no portfolio review and no restrictions for admission to the Art minor. However, there is sometimes a wait list of one or two semesters for admission. Students are admitted in order of application as spots open up.

For more information regarding course requirements for the Art minor, see the Undergraduate Course Catalog.

Advisor: Corinne Diop


Minor in Art History

Students enrolled in any JMU degree program may minor in Art History by completing a variety of Art History courses. Students may add the Minor to their academic program using MyMadison and contact your minor advisor to make sure your plan for progress is in place

For information regarding course requirements for the Art History minor, see the Undergraduate Course Catalog.

Advisor: David Ehrenpreis


Minor in Book Arts

The minor in book arts is a cross-disciplinary program designed to broaden students’ understanding of the value and role of the art of the book in general culture while enhancing written and visual creativity, artistic production, and the ability to think independently. The student’s minor program is subject to the approval of the SADAH director. Details are noted in the link below.

For information regarding course requirements for the Book Arts minor, see the Undergraduate Course Catalog.

Advisor: Dawn McCusker


Minor in Illustration

The minor in illustration offers students the opportunity to learn how to effectively use both traditional and digital media.  The student will learn to create illustrations that clearly communicate messages, narratives and technical information.  The minor in illustration is designed to broaden students' understanding of the value and role of illustration in art, design and professional practice.

Students enrolled in any major within the School of Art, Design, and Art History may minor in illustration. All students interested in minoring must first complete FDS 102, FDS 104, and FDS 108. Once these courses are complete, the student can apply for the illustration minor with portfolio submission. 

Begin the Illustration minor application. The deadline to complete the application for admission to the minor is Wednesday, September 18.

For information regarding course requirements for the Book Arts minor, see the Undergraduate Course Catalog.

Advisor: Richard Hilliard

Richard Hlliard

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