Welcome to the Safe Zone registration site. We're delighted to have you here. Folks interested in joining Safe Zone and obtaining a sticker must complete one of our new-member trainings. Check out our member list, linked at the left. You will be in good company.

New-Member Training

Register for the online Canvas course

Register for one of these in-person workshops:
Fri 2/21 2:30-4:30pm on East Campus
Tue 2/25 10am-noon on West Campus 

NEW: Virtual Brownbag Topics for Members

Mon 2/24 11:30am-1pm: “Safe Zone as a Community of Care
Register for the "Community of Care" Online Brownbag 2/24 at 11:30am

Fri 2/28 12-1:30pm: "Pride Strategies: 2025-Proofing Your Materials"
Register for the "Pride Strategies" Online Brownbag 2/28 at noon

Did you miss (or love) our social last semester?
We're planning another for after the thaw. Stay tuned for that!

Safe Zone is a voluntary organization.

If you wish to offer mandatory training to a class, office, or
organization, please consider the options available from SOGIE.

Please be gentle with us. There are thousands of you and only a few of us. We are not an office of the university; we have no staff and no budget. We are just a few volunteers from around the university who are already fully employed and over-committed in our day jobs. We are, however, grateful for the support of SOGIE and the student educators of DEEP Impact for their willingness to share their experiences. (Round of applause for our panelists!)

Safe Zone is a voluntary organization of allies in the JMU community, and we each participate with Safe Zone for our own individual reasons (moral obligations, empathy for others, disciplinary ethical responsibilities, etc.). All views expressed in our capacities as Safe Zone members are our own and do not necessarily represent the views of James Madison University or any other organization.

Direct workshop questions to:

Bethany Bryson
Sociology and Anthropology
Sheldon Hall - MSC 7501 
E-mail:  brysonbp@jmu.edu

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