Within SGA, the Leadership Team (LT) consists of the Executive Leadership Team (Student Body President, Vice President, Treasurer, Speaker of the House), the Senior Leadership Team (Communications Director, Chief of Staff, Committee Chairs), Class Council, and staff positions (Elections Commissioner, Community Outreach Liaison, Sergeant at Arms, Faculty Senate Liaison, FEB Liaison, Student Rep to the City Council). 

The Senior Leadership Team meets on Friday from 4:00-6:00 PM in Taylor 307.

2024-2025 Executive Leadership Team
Brielle Lacroix, Student Body President

Pronouns: She/Her

Brielle Lacroix is from Allentown, NJ. She is studying Public Administration with a Nonprofit Studies minor. Outside of SGA, Brielle is apart of Student Ambassadors, the Community Engagement and Volunteer Center, and JMU Libraries. She enjoys being outdoors in Shenendoah National Park and spending time with friends and her cat. She's excited to work alongside the amazing Leadership Team and incredible 110th Senate to listen to student concerns and advocate for student voices.

Abigail Herbert, Student Body Vice President

Pronouns: She/Her

Abigail Herbert is from Lancaster and she studying International Affairs and German with a minor in Humanitarian Affairs. Abigail is also involved with JMU Give. In her free time she loves to run, read, sew, and spend time outside. She's excited to work with all the Class Councils and help plan Purple Out.

Carson Tighe, Executive Treasurer

Pronouns: He/Him

Carson Tighe is from Lovettsville, VA. He is studying Computer Information Systems. Outside of SGA, you will find him in UREC or working in COB. Along with Carsons’ current position as Executive Treasurer, he is also involved in many clubs on campus such as Madison Consulting Club (as president) SafeRides, COB Student Advisory Council, and many more! Carson looks forward to supporting organizations through the SGA funding process and helping them make campus-wide impacts.

Kieran Fensterwald, Speaker of the Student Senate

Pronouns: He/Him

Kieran Fensterwald is from Leesburg, VA, and is majoring in Political Science, with dual minors in Legal Studies and Civic Leadership. In his free time, he loves doing environmental volunteer work, being with friends, going outside, and enjoying nature. Along with Kieran’s current position as Speaker of the House, he is also involved in the Office of Orientation and Transition as a two-time FROG, JMU Libraries, JMU Give, and JMU SafeRides. Kieran is looking forward to improving our internal structure and making a bigger impact on campus while also uplifting our members both inside and outside of this organization.


Senior Leadership Team
Communications Director, Alex Schleyer

Pronouns: She/Her

Alex Schleyer is from Loudoun County, Virginia, and is studying communications as an advocacy concentration with a minor in dance. Outside of SGA, she is a member of the Communications National Honors Society Lambda Pi Eta. In her free time, Alex enjoys playing board games, dancing, and watching the Washington Capitals. Alex is excited to return as Communications Director and work together with SGA to make a difference for the JMU student body.

Chief of Staff, Ajax Peterson

Pronouns: He/Him

Ajax Peterson is from Fairfax, Virginia, and is studying computer science. Outside of SGA, Ajax enjoys programming personal projects and making music. He is serving as the Chief of Staff for SGA. Ajax is looking forward to helping make SGA more communicative and interconnected through his role as Chief of staff.

Academic Affairs Chair, Isabella Schrecengost

Pronouns: She/Her

Bella Schrecengost is from Manassas, VA. She is a sophomore studying Public Policy and Administration, minoring in Legal Studies. She is currently serving as SGA’s Academic Affairs Chairperson. Outside of SGA, she is an active member of the College of Arts & Letters Alumni Student Advisory Council and Young Life College. She is committed to supporting the academic success of all students at JMU!

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Accessibility + Chair, Jessica Abadji

Pronouns: She/Her

Jessica Abadji was born in Ghana. She moved to the United States, seven years ago and lives in Woodbridge, Virginia. She is studying engineering with a double minor in chemistry and physics. Outside of SGA, she is a member of JMU African Student Organization, and JMU Bible & Prayer Fellowship. In her free time, Jessica enjoys cooking, watching movies, and exploring nature. Jessica is thrilled to work with SGA to help be the change here at James Madison University.

Finance Chair, Jahnavi Muthyala

Pronouns: She/Her

Jahnavi is from Chantilly, Virginia. She is currently studying Intelligence Analysis and Economics. Outside of SGA, Jahnavi is in the Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority. She likes to hike, travel, and read. She's excited to help other organizations get funding through SGA.

Legislative Affairs Chair, Mason Hoey

Pronouns: He/Him

Mason Hoey is from Santa Rosa Beach, Florida and is studying Political Science and Public Administration with a concentration in Public Policy. Additionally, he is minoring in Classical Studies. Mason serves as the Legislative Affairs Chairperson and is looking forward to advocating for the student body and working to civilly engage students.

Membership Chair, Ella Stotzky

Pronouns: She/Her

Ella Stozky is from Hampton Bays, New York, and is studying Writing Rhetoric Technical Communication Major with Film Studies and Creative Writing Minors. In her free time, she likes to read and hang out with my friends.  Along with Ella’s current position as Membership Chair, she is also involved in University Program Board and JMU Give. Ella is looking forward to creating relationships within SGA.

Parliamentarian, Riley Gilbert

Pronouns: She/Her

Riley Gilbert is from Richmond VA and is majoring in Nursing with minors in honors and chronic illness. In her free time she loves to play board games, dance, and indulge in spike ball. She is currently serving as the Parliamentarian of the Student Government Association. Riley is looking forward to making everyone love SGA as much as she does and streamlining elections.

University Services Chair, Charlotte Bronaugh

Pronouns: She/Her

Charlotte Bronaugh is from Fairfax, VA, and is studying Theatre with a concentration in Education. Outside of SGA, she is involved in Student Ambassadors, 2024 Orientation Peer Advisor, Community Engagement and Volunteer Center Alternative Break Leader, University Program Board, Alpha Psi Omega, Club Water Polo, Stratford Players, and Young Life College.  Along with Charlotte’s current position as University Services Chair, she likes to play intramural sports, attend UREC Group exercise classes, and lie in the grass. Charlotte is Meeting and working with new people who all care so much about JMU!

Appointed Staff
Community Outreach Liaison, Jessica Kaplan

Pronouns: She/Her

Jessica Kaplan is from Long Island, New York. She is studying Political Science, Political Communications, and History.  In their free time, she likes to listen to music and dance. Along with Jessica’s current position as Community Outreach Liaison, she is also a member of Student Defenders on campus. Jessica is excited to build fun events and get to know new people.

Elections Commissioner, Regan Lovell

Pronouns: She/Her

Historian, Grace Treml

Pronouns: She/Her

Grace Treml is from York, PA, and is studying International Affairs, Environmental Studies, and Music with/and an honors minor. Outside of SGA, Grace loves to ​​play music (she plays clarinet, sax, and piano), read, thrift, and hike.  Along with Grace's current position as Historian, she is also involved in Student Ambassadors, SafeRides, MRDs, and CEVC Alternative Break Program. Grace is looking forward to getting to work with so many other wonderful people who are so knowledgeable and passionate about JMU!

Representative to the Faculty Senate, Caroline Spurling

Pronouns: She/Her

Caroline Spurling is from Knoxville, Tennessee and is majoring in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communications with a minor in Honors. Outside of serving as the SGA Faculty Senate Liaison Caroline is involved in international pre-law organization, Phi Alpha Delta, and Hotel Madison hospitality. In her free time, Caroline enjoys going to UREC, reading, and water skiing.

Sergeant-at-Arms, Maeve Rensberger
Pronouns: She/Her
Student Representative to City Council, Nathanael Crouse
Pronouns: He/Him

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