Health refers holistically to physical, emotional, and mental health. Healthy behaviors reduce the risk for illness and injury and improve resiliency, productivity, and overall quality of life.

Strategic Objectives
  • Expand the campus community's knowledge and understanding of how to be well using the Okanagan charter and JED recommendations
  • Identify and minimize barriers to accessing physical and mental health resources and services both on campus and in the community
  • Establish JMU as a leader in the Health Promoting Campus Network
  • Ensure student sense of belonging to encourage and cultivate mental health safety
  • Evaluate digital well-being for students and recommend interventions as appropriate
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Number of students attending health and wellness workshops and programs
  • STI testing and rates on campus
  • Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS) change scores
  • UREC participation percentages
  • Student flourishing scores
  • Respiratory illness rates on campus
  • Student self-reported healthy behaviors and attitudes
  • Percentage of students who successfully reintegrate post health-related withdrawal
  • Hours from students using UREC
  • Percentage of cases involving alcohol or other drugs
Learning Outcomes

As a result of our programs and services, students will be able to:

  • Implement strategies for maintaining physical, emotional, and mental health
  • Adopt healthy habits to support their identity development
  • Develop resilience to overcome obstacles and challenges

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