View JMU's public class search for an up-to-date listing of available courses or browse the tentative list below.

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Summer Course Offerings (Subject to Change)
Subject Catalog Description
ACTG  244 Accounting: Nonbusiness Majors
ANTH  195 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH  196 Biological Anthropology
ANTH  316 Human Evolutionary Psychology
ANTH  352 Birth Death Sex: Demography
ART  104 Drawing I
ART  200 Art In General Culture
ART  242 Bladesmithing
ART  392 Topics In Art
ARTH  205 Prehist To Renaissance
ARTH  206 Renaissance To Modern Art
ARTH  327 Topics In Pre-Modern Art
ASTR  120 The Solar System
ASTR  121 Stars, Galaxies, & Cosmology
BIO  103 Contemporary Biology
BIO  140 Foundations Of Biology I
BIO  245 General Microbiology
BIO  270 Human Physiology
BIO  290 Human Anatomy
BIO  310 Marine Biology
BIOT  494 Internship In Biotechnology
BUS  160 Bus Decis Modern Society
CHEM  120 Concepts Of Chemistry
CHEM  131 General Chemistry I
CHEM  132 General Chemistry II
CHEM  241 Org Chem I
CHEM  242 Org Chem II
CHEM  354 Environ Chem Field Camp
CHEM  131L General Chemistry Lab
CHEM  132L General Chemistry Lab
CHEM  241L Concepts Of Organic Chem Lab
CHEM  242L Organic Chemistry Lab
CHEM  390A Problems In Chemistry
CHEM  390A Problems In Chemistry
CIS  204 Cis Fundamentals Non-Bus Maj
CIS  301 Cloud Server Management
CIS  312 Systems Planning And Analysis
CIS  425 Defensive Cybersecurity
COB  202 Interpersonal Skills
COB  204 Computer Information Systems
COB  241 Financial Accounting
COB  242 Managerial Accounting
COB  291 Business Analytics II
COB  318 Legal & Ethical Envir Business
COB  487 Strategic Management
COB  300D Integrative Business: Mktg
CRJU  215 Intro To Criminal Justice
CRJU  401 Internship In Criminal Justice
DATA  200 Introduction To Data
ECON  200 Introduction To Macroecon
ECON  201 Introduction To Microecon
ECON  488 Sr Capstone Seminar In Econ
EDUC  200 Foundations Of Educ In U.S.
ENG  221 Literature / Culture / Ideas
ENG  222 Genre(S)
ENG  247 Sur Amer Lit (Begin-Civil War)
ENG  260 Survey African-American Lit
ENGR  212 Statics And Dynamics
EXED  200 Foundations Of Exed
EXED  303 Classroom And Behavior Mgmt
EXED  440 Classroom Mgmt & Prof Collabor
FAM  133 Contemporary Family
FIN  310 Principles Of Real Estate
FIN  345 Finance Fundamentals
FIN  360 Analytical Methods In Finance
FIN  365 Intermediate Financial Mgt
FIN  371 Principles Of Investments
FL  490 Special Studies In Foreign Lan
FR  232 Intermediate French II
FR  300 Grammar And Communication
FR  308 Cont Fr History & Culture
GEOG  200 Geography: Global Dimension
GEOG  310 Environmental Issues
GEOG  329 Global Climate Change
GEOG  350 Topics In Geography
GEOG  495 Internship In Geography
GER  490 Special Studies In German
GRPH  392 Topics In Graphic Design
GRPH  496 Internship In Graphic Design
HIST  101 World History To 1500
HIST  102 World History Since 1500
HIST  150 Crit Issues Recent Global Hist
HIST  225 U.S. History
HIST  378 China In The Modern World
HM  298 Spec Studies Hospitality Mgt
HM  402 Supervisory Hospitality Intern
HM  442 Hospitality Seminar
HSA  454 Internship In Hth Org
HTH  100 Personal Wellness
HTH  150 Intro To Health Sciences
HTH  210 Medical Terminology
HTH  231 Population Health Determinants
HTH  245 Fndtns Of Infectious Disease
HTH  255 Chronic Disease & Disabilities
HTH  320 Stat Mthd Hth Sci Research
HTH  351 Health Behavior Change
HTH  354 U.S./Global Hlth Care Systems
HTH  370 Child And Adolescent Health
HTH  372 Human Sexuality
HTH  378 The Use & Effects Of Drugs
HTH  408 Health Research Methods
HTH  423 Ethics & Crit Thinking In Hlth
HTH  450 Epidemiology
HUM  200 Great Works
HUM  250 Foundations Of Western Culture
HUM  251 Modern Perspectives
HUM  252 Global Cultures
IB  294 Internship Abroad
IS  498 Individualized Study Project
ISAT  100 Env & Energy Sustainability
ISAT  160 Prob Solving App In Sci & Tech
ISAT  171 Governance Sociotechnical Sys
ISAT  271 Technology, Science, & Society
ISAT  480 Topics In Isat
ISCI  101 Phys, Chem & Human Exp
ISCI  104 Scientific Perspectives
ITAL  375 Business & Society In Italy
JUST  200 Intro To Justice Studies
JUST  225 Justice And American Society
JUST  328 Race, Class And Justice
JUST  400 Sen Seminar In Justice Studies
JUST  401 Internship In Justice Studies
KIN  100 Lifetime Fitness & Wellness
KIN  202 Bio Foundations Of Kin
KIN  302 Exercise Physiology
KIN  306 Human Biomechanics
KIN  322 Exercise Prescription
KIN  424 Exercise & Nutr Chron Disease
KIN  430 Exercise Across The Lifespan
KIN  471 Prac In Exercise Sci & Lship
KIN  481 Intern In Exer Sci & Lship
KIN  481 Internship In Exercise Science
KIN  302L Exercise Physiology Laboratory
KIN  306L Human Biomechanics Laboratory
MATH  103 The Nature Of Mathematics
MATH  105 Quant Literacy & Reasoning
MATH  105 Quant Literacy & Reasoning
MATH  155 College Algebra
MATH  205 Introductory Calculus I
MATH  220 Elementary Statistics
MATH  231 Calculus With Functions I
MATH  232 Calc With Functions II
MATH  235 Calculus I
MATH  236 Calculus II
MATH  237 Calculus III
MATH  238 Linear Algebra Diff Equa
MATH  318 Intro To Prob & Stat
MGT  305 Organizational Behavior & Hrm
MGT  472 New Venture Creation
MKTG  380 Principles Of Marketing
MKTG  385 Consumer Behavior
MKTG  494 Marketing Internship
MUI  330 Music Publishing
MUI  492 Internship In Music Industry
MUS  200 Music In General Culture
MUS  204 History Of Rock
MUS  206 Introduction To Global Music
MUS  251 Form: Romantic
NPS  400 Internship/Practicum In Nps
NSG  306 Combating Childhood Obesity
NSG  466 Community Health Practicum
NSG  469 Caring For Public's Health
NUTR  280 Nutrition For Wellness
PHIL  101 Introduction To Philosophy
PHIL  150 Ethical Reasoning
PHIL  250 Introduction To Symbolic Logic
PHYS  121 Phys Nature Of Light And Sound
PHYS  140 College Physics I
PHYS  150 College Physics II
PHYS  140L General Physics Lab I
PHYS  150L General Physics Lab I
POSC  200 Global Politics
POSC  201 Intro Western Political Theory
POSC  225 U.S. Government
POSC  295 Research Methods
POSC  300 Politics And Film
POSC  302 State And Local Government
POSC  355 East Asian Politics
POSC  370 U.S. Foreign Policy
POSC  371 Topics In Comparative Politics
POSC  397 Pol Of Intrntl Econ Rltns
POSC  490 Senior Tutorial In Posc
POSC  493 Pcom Internship
POSC  495 Internship In Posc
PPA  200 Introduction To Public Policy
PPA  482 Special Topics Public Policy
PPA  496 Internship Public Management
PSYC  101 General Psychology
PSYC  160 Life Span Human Development
PSYC  200 Topics In Psychology
PSYC  210 Psyc Measurement & Stats
PSYC  211 Psychological Research Methods
PSYC  250 Intro To Abnormal Psyc
PSYC  308 Health Psychology
PSYC  310 Psyc Of Women & Gender
PSYC  330 Psychology Of Personality
PSYC  345 Social Psychology
PSYC  365 Developmental Psychology
PSYC  385 Biopsychology
PSYC  390 Psychology Of Learning
PSYC  400 Advanced Topics In Psychology
PSYC  410 Psychology Of The Workplace
PSYC  497 Senior Seminar
REL  101 Religions Of The World
SCOM  122 Fund Human Comm: Indiv Pres
SCOM  123 Fund Human Comm: Group Pres
SCOM  240 Intro To Communication Theory
SCOM  241 Comm Theory Lab
SCOM  242 Presentational Speaking
SCOM  260 Intro To Public Relations
SCOM  261 PR Tech I:  Written
SCOM  280 Intro To Comm Research
SCOM  314 Comm In Romantic Rltnshps
SCOM  318 Practicum In Speech Comm
SCOM  320 Intro Interpersonal Comm
SCOM  331 Communication & Conflict
SCOM  341 Persuasion
SCOM  346 Free Speech In America
SCOM  350 Organizational Comm
SCOM  355 Food As Communication
SCOM  358 Bus & Prof Comm
SCOM  365 Sports Public Relations
SCOM  381 Rhetorical Research Methods
SCOM  383 Quantitative Research Methods
SCOM  495A Internship In Comm Studies
SMAD  201 Visual Communication Design
SMAD  301 Media Arts: Culture By Design
SMAD  400 Senior Assessment In Smad
SMAD  495 Internship Med Arts & Design
SOCI  110 Social Issues Global Context
SOCI  140 Microsociology
SOCI  329 Sociology Of Sport
SOCI  336 Race And Ethnicity
SOCI  337 Sociology Of Gender
SOCI  374 Sociology Of Families
SOCI  375 Medical Sociology
SPAN  111 Intensive Spanish I
SPAN  212 Intensive Spanish II
SPAN  232 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN  307 Hist Of Span Culture & Society
SRM  241 Intro Sport & Recreation Mgt
SRM  282 Practicum In Sport & Rec
SRM  333 Management In Sport & Rec
SRM  334 Introduction To Sport Media
SRM  337 Prog & Assmt In Sport And Rec
SRM  434 Ethical & Legal Issues In SRM
SRM  482 Internship In Sport & Rec Mgmt
STDY  100 Study Group Esl Preparation
SWA  101 Elementary Swahili I
SWA  102 Elementary Swahili II
SWA  231 Intermediate Swahili I
SWA  232 Intermediate Swahili II
SWA  300 Grammar And Communication
SWA  320 SWA Oral And Writ Comm
SWA  490 Special Studies In Swahili
UNST  475 Dollars And Sense
WGSS  200 Intro Women Gender Sex Studies
WGSS  337 Sociology Of Gender
WRTC  103 Rhetorical Reading And Writing
WRTC  495 Internship In WRTC

Course List Last Updated: 3/11/25

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