View JMU's public class search for an up-to-date listing of available courses or browse the tentative list below.
The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.
Summer Course Offerings (Subject to Change)
Subject | Catalog | Description |
ACTG | 244 | Accounting: Nonbusiness Majors |
ANTH | 195 | Cultural Anthropology |
ANTH | 196 | Biological Anthropology |
ANTH | 316 | Human Evolutionary Psychology |
ANTH | 352 | Birth Death Sex: Demography |
ART | 104 | Drawing I |
ART | 200 | Art In General Culture |
ART | 242 | Bladesmithing |
ART | 392 | Topics In Art |
ARTH | 205 | Prehist To Renaissance |
ARTH | 206 | Renaissance To Modern Art |
ARTH | 327 | Topics In Pre-Modern Art |
ASTR | 120 | The Solar System |
ASTR | 121 | Stars, Galaxies, & Cosmology |
BIO | 103 | Contemporary Biology |
BIO | 140 | Foundations Of Biology I |
BIO | 245 | General Microbiology |
BIO | 270 | Human Physiology |
BIO | 290 | Human Anatomy |
BIO | 310 | Marine Biology |
BIOT | 494 | Internship In Biotechnology |
BUS | 160 | Bus Decis Modern Society |
CHEM | 120 | Concepts Of Chemistry |
CHEM | 131 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM | 132 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM | 241 | Org Chem I |
CHEM | 242 | Org Chem II |
CHEM | 354 | Environ Chem Field Camp |
CHEM | 131L | General Chemistry Lab |
CHEM | 132L | General Chemistry Lab |
CHEM | 241L | Concepts Of Organic Chem Lab |
CHEM | 242L | Organic Chemistry Lab |
CHEM | 390A | Problems In Chemistry |
CHEM | 390A | Problems In Chemistry |
CIS | 204 | Cis Fundamentals Non-Bus Maj |
CIS | 301 | Cloud Server Management |
CIS | 312 | Systems Planning And Analysis |
CIS | 425 | Defensive Cybersecurity |
COB | 202 | Interpersonal Skills |
COB | 204 | Computer Information Systems |
COB | 241 | Financial Accounting |
COB | 242 | Managerial Accounting |
COB | 291 | Business Analytics II |
COB | 318 | Legal & Ethical Envir Business |
COB | 487 | Strategic Management |
COB | 300D | Integrative Business: Mktg |
CRJU | 215 | Intro To Criminal Justice |
CRJU | 401 | Internship In Criminal Justice |
DATA | 200 | Introduction To Data |
ECON | 200 | Introduction To Macroecon |
ECON | 201 | Introduction To Microecon |
ECON | 488 | Sr Capstone Seminar In Econ |
EDUC | 200 | Foundations Of Educ In U.S. |
ENG | 221 | Literature / Culture / Ideas |
ENG | 222 | Genre(S) |
ENG | 247 | Sur Amer Lit (Begin-Civil War) |
ENG | 260 | Survey African-American Lit |
ENGR | 212 | Statics And Dynamics |
EXED | 200 | Foundations Of Exed |
EXED | 303 | Classroom And Behavior Mgmt |
EXED | 440 | Classroom Mgmt & Prof Collabor |
FAM | 133 | Contemporary Family |
FIN | 310 | Principles Of Real Estate |
FIN | 345 | Finance Fundamentals |
FIN | 360 | Analytical Methods In Finance |
FIN | 365 | Intermediate Financial Mgt |
FIN | 371 | Principles Of Investments |
FL | 490 | Special Studies In Foreign Lan |
FR | 232 | Intermediate French II |
FR | 300 | Grammar And Communication |
FR | 308 | Cont Fr History & Culture |
GEOG | 200 | Geography: Global Dimension |
GEOG | 310 | Environmental Issues |
GEOG | 329 | Global Climate Change |
GEOG | 350 | Topics In Geography |
GEOG | 495 | Internship In Geography |
GER | 490 | Special Studies In German |
GRPH | 392 | Topics In Graphic Design |
GRPH | 496 | Internship In Graphic Design |
HIST | 101 | World History To 1500 |
HIST | 102 | World History Since 1500 |
HIST | 150 | Crit Issues Recent Global Hist |
HIST | 225 | U.S. History |
HIST | 378 | China In The Modern World |
HM | 298 | Spec Studies Hospitality Mgt |
HM | 402 | Supervisory Hospitality Intern |
HM | 442 | Hospitality Seminar |
HSA | 454 | Internship In Hth Org |
HTH | 100 | Personal Wellness |
HTH | 150 | Intro To Health Sciences |
HTH | 210 | Medical Terminology |
HTH | 231 | Population Health Determinants |
HTH | 245 | Fndtns Of Infectious Disease |
HTH | 255 | Chronic Disease & Disabilities |
HTH | 320 | Stat Mthd Hth Sci Research |
HTH | 351 | Health Behavior Change |
HTH | 354 | U.S./Global Hlth Care Systems |
HTH | 370 | Child And Adolescent Health |
HTH | 372 | Human Sexuality |
HTH | 378 | The Use & Effects Of Drugs |
HTH | 408 | Health Research Methods |
HTH | 423 | Ethics & Crit Thinking In Hlth |
HTH | 450 | Epidemiology |
HUM | 200 | Great Works |
HUM | 250 | Foundations Of Western Culture |
HUM | 251 | Modern Perspectives |
HUM | 252 | Global Cultures |
IB | 294 | Internship Abroad |
IS | 498 | Individualized Study Project |
ISAT | 100 | Env & Energy Sustainability |
ISAT | 160 | Prob Solving App In Sci & Tech |
ISAT | 171 | Governance Sociotechnical Sys |
ISAT | 271 | Technology, Science, & Society |
ISAT | 480 | Topics In Isat |
ISCI | 101 | Phys, Chem & Human Exp |
ISCI | 104 | Scientific Perspectives |
ITAL | 375 | Business & Society In Italy |
JUST | 200 | Intro To Justice Studies |
JUST | 225 | Justice And American Society |
JUST | 328 | Race, Class And Justice |
JUST | 400 | Sen Seminar In Justice Studies |
JUST | 401 | Internship In Justice Studies |
KIN | 100 | Lifetime Fitness & Wellness |
KIN | 202 | Bio Foundations Of Kin |
KIN | 302 | Exercise Physiology |
KIN | 306 | Human Biomechanics |
KIN | 322 | Exercise Prescription |
KIN | 424 | Exercise & Nutr Chron Disease |
KIN | 430 | Exercise Across The Lifespan |
KIN | 471 | Prac In Exercise Sci & Lship |
KIN | 481 | Intern In Exer Sci & Lship |
KIN | 481 | Internship In Exercise Science |
KIN | 302L | Exercise Physiology Laboratory |
KIN | 306L | Human Biomechanics Laboratory |
MATH | 103 | The Nature Of Mathematics |
MATH | 105 | Quant Literacy & Reasoning |
MATH | 105 | Quant Literacy & Reasoning |
MATH | 155 | College Algebra |
MATH | 205 | Introductory Calculus I |
MATH | 220 | Elementary Statistics |
MATH | 231 | Calculus With Functions I |
MATH | 232 | Calc With Functions II |
MATH | 235 | Calculus I |
MATH | 236 | Calculus II |
MATH | 237 | Calculus III |
MATH | 238 | Linear Algebra Diff Equa |
MATH | 318 | Intro To Prob & Stat |
MGT | 305 | Organizational Behavior & Hrm |
MGT | 472 | New Venture Creation |
MKTG | 380 | Principles Of Marketing |
MKTG | 385 | Consumer Behavior |
MKTG | 494 | Marketing Internship |
MUI | 330 | Music Publishing |
MUI | 492 | Internship In Music Industry |
MUS | 200 | Music In General Culture |
MUS | 204 | History Of Rock |
MUS | 206 | Introduction To Global Music |
MUS | 251 | Form: Romantic |
NPS | 400 | Internship/Practicum In Nps |
NSG | 306 | Combating Childhood Obesity |
NSG | 466 | Community Health Practicum |
NSG | 469 | Caring For Public's Health |
NUTR | 280 | Nutrition For Wellness |
PHIL | 101 | Introduction To Philosophy |
PHIL | 150 | Ethical Reasoning |
PHIL | 250 | Introduction To Symbolic Logic |
PHYS | 121 | Phys Nature Of Light And Sound |
PHYS | 140 | College Physics I |
PHYS | 150 | College Physics II |
PHYS | 140L | General Physics Lab I |
PHYS | 150L | General Physics Lab I |
POSC | 200 | Global Politics |
POSC | 201 | Intro Western Political Theory |
POSC | 225 | U.S. Government |
POSC | 295 | Research Methods |
POSC | 300 | Politics And Film |
POSC | 302 | State And Local Government |
POSC | 355 | East Asian Politics |
POSC | 370 | U.S. Foreign Policy |
POSC | 371 | Topics In Comparative Politics |
POSC | 397 | Pol Of Intrntl Econ Rltns |
POSC | 490 | Senior Tutorial In Posc |
POSC | 493 | Pcom Internship |
POSC | 495 | Internship In Posc |
PPA | 200 | Introduction To Public Policy |
PPA | 482 | Special Topics Public Policy |
PPA | 496 | Internship Public Management |
PSYC | 101 | General Psychology |
PSYC | 160 | Life Span Human Development |
PSYC | 200 | Topics In Psychology |
PSYC | 210 | Psyc Measurement & Stats |
PSYC | 211 | Psychological Research Methods |
PSYC | 250 | Intro To Abnormal Psyc |
PSYC | 308 | Health Psychology |
PSYC | 310 | Psyc Of Women & Gender |
PSYC | 330 | Psychology Of Personality |
PSYC | 345 | Social Psychology |
PSYC | 365 | Developmental Psychology |
PSYC | 385 | Biopsychology |
PSYC | 390 | Psychology Of Learning |
PSYC | 400 | Advanced Topics In Psychology |
PSYC | 410 | Psychology Of The Workplace |
PSYC | 497 | Senior Seminar |
REL | 101 | Religions Of The World |
SCOM | 122 | Fund Human Comm: Indiv Pres |
SCOM | 123 | Fund Human Comm: Group Pres |
SCOM | 240 | Intro To Communication Theory |
SCOM | 241 | Comm Theory Lab |
SCOM | 242 | Presentational Speaking |
SCOM | 260 | Intro To Public Relations |
SCOM | 261 | PR Tech I: Written |
SCOM | 280 | Intro To Comm Research |
SCOM | 314 | Comm In Romantic Rltnshps |
SCOM | 318 | Practicum In Speech Comm |
SCOM | 320 | Intro Interpersonal Comm |
SCOM | 331 | Communication & Conflict |
SCOM | 341 | Persuasion |
SCOM | 346 | Free Speech In America |
SCOM | 350 | Organizational Comm |
SCOM | 355 | Food As Communication |
SCOM | 358 | Bus & Prof Comm |
SCOM | 365 | Sports Public Relations |
SCOM | 381 | Rhetorical Research Methods |
SCOM | 383 | Quantitative Research Methods |
SCOM | 495A | Internship In Comm Studies |
SMAD | 201 | Visual Communication Design |
SMAD | 301 | Media Arts: Culture By Design |
SMAD | 400 | Senior Assessment In Smad |
SMAD | 495 | Internship Med Arts & Design |
SOCI | 110 | Social Issues Global Context |
SOCI | 140 | Microsociology |
SOCI | 329 | Sociology Of Sport |
SOCI | 336 | Race And Ethnicity |
SOCI | 337 | Sociology Of Gender |
SOCI | 374 | Sociology Of Families |
SOCI | 375 | Medical Sociology |
SPAN | 111 | Intensive Spanish I |
SPAN | 212 | Intensive Spanish II |
SPAN | 232 | Intermediate Spanish II |
SPAN | 307 | Hist Of Span Culture & Society |
SRM | 241 | Intro Sport & Recreation Mgt |
SRM | 282 | Practicum In Sport & Rec |
SRM | 333 | Management In Sport & Rec |
SRM | 334 | Introduction To Sport Media |
SRM | 337 | Prog & Assmt In Sport And Rec |
SRM | 434 | Ethical & Legal Issues In SRM |
SRM | 482 | Internship In Sport & Rec Mgmt |
STDY | 100 | Study Group Esl Preparation |
SWA | 101 | Elementary Swahili I |
SWA | 102 | Elementary Swahili II |
SWA | 231 | Intermediate Swahili I |
SWA | 232 | Intermediate Swahili II |
SWA | 300 | Grammar And Communication |
SWA | 320 | SWA Oral And Writ Comm |
SWA | 490 | Special Studies In Swahili |
UNST | 475 | Dollars And Sense |
WGSS | 200 | Intro Women Gender Sex Studies |
WGSS | 337 | Sociology Of Gender |
WRTC | 103 | Rhetorical Reading And Writing |
WRTC | 495 | Internship In WRTC |
Course List Last Updated: 3/11/25