Community Building

How we support the JMU Noyce community

As part of the Noyce community, students have structured opportunities to get to know each other and form relationships through social events, attend and present at regional and state professional conferences, network with excellent teachers who are graduates of JMU and/or teach in our region, and have routine “check-ins” with the Noyce faculty to share concerns, accomplishments, and ideas.

Maintaining community is just as, if not more, important once our scholars graduate and are navigating their first years of teaching therefore our Noyce community extends through our scholars’ second year of teaching. As part of this induction support, our graduated scholars will: (1) Work closely with selected mentors who have extensive experience and achievement in teaching the same subject and grade-band as the scholar. These mentors observe their teaching, facilitate reflection, and provide informative feedback. (2) Attend a week-long induction academy in the summer with the rest of their scholar cohort that provides discipline and pedagogy-focused professional development, and (3) Participate in monthly check-ins with each other and the Noyce faculty as described for our current Noyce scholars.


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