Foreign Language Requirements
Foreign language is not a requirement for general admission to the university; however, some academic programs require a foreign language. Read about JMU's foreign language requirements.
Honor Code Test
All transfer students, regardless of whether or not they have earned a transferable associate degree, are required to complete the JMU Honor Code Tutorial and Test.
B.A. and B.S. Degree Requirements
Students have a choice of earning a Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) or a Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.) in many, but not all, majors at JMU. It is important to understand which degree you are completing, because both the B.A. and B.S. degrees require additional course work beyond the major requirements.
Degree requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.), Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.), Bachelor of Music (B.M.), and the Bachelor of Individualized Studies (B.I.S.) are embedded within requirements for the major.
- Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements
- Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements
- General Education, Major and Degree Requirements
- B.A. and B.S. Degree Requirements for Students with an Approved Associate Degree
- Graduation Requirements for Transfer Students
Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements
- Intermediate proficiency in a foreign language. Any foreign language may count, but you must complete course work through the intermediate level (foreign language course 232 at JMU). Because it is a proficiency requirement, you may also place out of a language by completing the foreign language placement exam once you are a matriculated JMU student.
One philosophy course. Any philosophy course except one that transfers as PHIL 120 or 150 may count toward the B.A. degree, including a course that transfers as "PHIL 000" (an elective).
Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements
Quantitative requirement (one math course).
Scientific literacy requirement (one natural or social science course).
For a list of JMU courses that satisfy B.A. and B.S. degree requirements, visit courses that may be used to satisfy B.A./B.S. Degree Requirements. Courses which transfer as elective credit ("000") in the approved disciplines will also count toward degree requirements.
Major, General Education and Degree Requirements
In many cases, general education courses may also be used to fulfill major requirements. In addition, degree requirements may also double-count as major requirements. However, degree and general education requirements must be taken separately and may not double-count.
B.A. and B.S. Degree Requirements for Students with an Associate Degree that fulfills General Education requirements
Students with a JMU-approved transferable associate degree need the following to complete the B.A./B.S. degree requirements. These requirements may be completed with transferred courses appearing on the JMU transcript, or through JMU enrollment. See the list of eligible BA/BS degree courses.
- B.A. - Intermediate proficiency in a foreign language (through the JMU placement exam or coursework at the 232 level or higher) and a three credit hour philosophy course with the exception of PHIL 120 and PHIL 150.
- B.S. - A minimum of two math courses (at least six credits), and three credits of scientific literacy coursework.
Graduation Requirements for Transfer Students
JMU requires a minimum of 120 credit hours for graduation. If you are offered admission to JMU, you must complete all prerequisite, major, program and degree requirements to graduate. You must also meet the following requirements:
- Earn a minimum of 25% of credit hours (30 credits for degree programs of 120 credits) at JMU.
- Earn at least 50% of credit hours (60 credits for degree programs of 120 credits) accepted by JMU from accredited senior (four-year) institutions of higher education, including JMU.
- Meet course prerequisites for the major regardless of where general education requirements were completed.
Read more about graduation requirements.