Concentrations: Custom concentration

Major requirements and their VCCS equivalents (and RBC equivalents if applicable)

JMU Course: REL 101, Religions of the World

  • VCCS equivalents: REL 230
  • RBC equivalents: REL 209

JMU Course: PHIL 101, Introduction to Philosophy

  • VCCS equivalents: PHI 100 or PHI 200
  • RBC equivalents: PHIL 101

JMU Course: REL 200, Exploring Religion

  • VCCS equivalents: REL 100
  • RBC equivalents: REL 201

JMU Course: Philosophy course for the B.A. degree

  • VCCS equivalents: PHI 100, 200, or 227
  • RBC equivalents: PHIL 101, 201, 202 or 270
  • NOTE: Not required to transfer; may be taken at JMU. Please Note: PHI 111 and 220 (VCCS) and PHIL 121 (RBC) will transfer but DO NOT count for the B.A. philosophy requirement.

Advising Notes

Please Read: This major guide is a list of all possible major courses offered in the Virginia Community College System. Not all courses may be offered at your community college, and you are not required to complete all these courses in order to transfer. Rather, it’s designed to help you meet JMU major requirements before you transfer, and be better prepared to progress through the major once you arrive at JMU. Please be sure to read the advising notes for additional information on the major.

  1. Most students will be able to finish the major in two years.
  2. The B.A. degree requires intermediate proficiency in a foreign language and a philosophy course. 


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