Concentrations: For the B.F.A.: Ceramics, Fiber Arts and Weaving, Metals and Jewelry, Painting and Drawing, Photography, Printmaking and Sculpture
Major requirements and their VCCS equivalents (and RBC equivalents if applicable)
NOTE: The word "AND" between VCCS course numbers indicate JMU credit will be awarded for the completion of the VCCS sequence.
JMU Course: ARTH 205, Survey of World Art I: Prehistoric to Renaissance
- VCCS equivalents: ART 101
- RBC equivalents: ART 201
JMU Course: ARTH 206, Survey of World Art II: Renaissance to Modern
- VCCS equivalents: ART 102
- RBC equivalents: ART 202
JMU Course: FDS 102, Color and Composition
- VCCS equivalents: ART 131
- RBC equivalents: ART 101
JMU Course: FDS 104, Observational Drawing
- VCCS equivalents: ART 121
- RBC equivalents: ART 103
JMU Course: FDS 106, Form and Space
- VCCS equivalents: ART 132
- RBC equivalents: ART 102
JMU Course: FDS 108, Expressive and Expanded Drawing
- VCCS equivalents: ART 223
- RBC equivalents: ART 104
- NOTE: For the B.F.A. in Art; not required for the B.A. or B.S.
JMU Course: PSYC 160, Life Span Human Development
- VCCS equivalents: PSY 230 or PSY 231 and 232
- RBC equivalents: PSY 250
- NOTE: Required for students pursuing teacher licensure.
JMU Course: EDUC 200, Foundations of Education in the United States
- VCCS equivalents: EDU 200
- RBC equivalents: EDUC 200
- NOTE: Required for students pursuing teacher licensure.
Advising Notes
Please Read: This major guide is a list of all possible major courses offered in the Virginia Community College System. Not all courses may be offered at your community college, and you are not required to complete all these courses in order to transfer. Rather, it’s designed to help you meet JMU major requirements before you transfer, and be better prepared to progress through the major once you arrive at JMU. Please be sure to read the advising notes for additional information on the major.
- Students must submit a portfolio of their work in order to be considered for admission to the art program. See the department's website for review dates and more information on the portfolio. Please Note: Architectural, Graphic and Industrial Design are now listed as separate majors; please refer to the major guides index to view those major guides.
- It is possible for students to receive upper division art credit in transfer, however course content (course description, course syllabi, and/or samples of work done in class) may be required to determine transferability.
- Art Education - students desiring PK-12 teaching licensure in art must complete 23 credits of additional course work in art education, education and psychology, and 16 credits of student teaching. For more information contact the Art Education Coordinator, Dr. Karin Tollefson-Hall. All education students must apply and be admitted to Teacher Education. See the admission requirements and use the links below to learn more about the application process.
- Students pursuing a BA degree must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language (either through the JMU foreign language placement exam or coursework).