The Office of University Counsel provides legal advice and representation to James Madison University.  In that capacity, the attorneys advise the Board of Visitors, the President, executive officers, administrators, faculty and staff, in their official positions, on legal issues impacting the University.

The Office of University Counsel is responsible for providing a full range of legal services to the University.  Some areas in which we provide legal advice and representation are contract review, property acquisitions, labor and employment matters, litigation, student and faculty issues, among others.  Attorneys in this office are prepared to address general legal questions of state and federal law, and to practice before state and federal courts.  Special expertise, as needed, is available to University Counsel through the Office of the Attorney General.

Legal advice is provided on matters related to University business only.  You may consult with us regarding legal matters related to issues arising from your official duties at the University.  This office is not permitted to provide advice or referrals on matters that are purely personal in nature.

James Madison University is a public institution of higher education, an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, organized as a public corporate body pursuant to state statute.  

Attorneys in this office are appointed by the Attorney General of Virginia and serve as representatives of that office on the JMU campus.


Disclaimer: This site provides general information about the Office of University Counsel and may not be construed as legal advice.  This information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship.

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