The Leadership Council represents the units within University Studies and serves as a standing committee involved in the ongoing governance and operations of the College. The Council meets monthly and all Council members can submit agenda items. The Council is composed of: two IdLS instructional faculty in leadership roles, including the Faculty Senate representative and the director for Independent Scholars; one instructional faculty serving as director of Ethical Reasoning in Action; one instructional faculty serving as director of the Center for Assessment and Research Studies; two instructional faculty serving in roles as AUH/Associate Deans; one CARS instructional faculty leading College outreach; one A&P faculty leading distance education compliance; one staff member leading the university-wide Assessment and Testing Center; two administrative staff members who manage College budgets and operations; and the College dean.

Current members are:

  • Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh, IdLS
  • Matthew Chamberlin, IdLS
  • Christian Early, ERiA
  • Megan Good, CARS
  • Scott Paulson, IdLS and Dean’s Office
  • Audrey Burnett, Dean’s Office
  • Keston Fulcher, CARS
  • Sarah Cheverton, Distance Ed Compliance
  • Toby Whitesell, ATC
  • Annette Rexrode, Fiscal
  • Mindy Koon, Operations
  • Fletcher Linder, Dean’s Office


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