Executive Committee:
Suzanne Obenshain, Chair
Terrie Edwards, Vice Rector
Dickie Bell
Steve Smith
Jack White
Nicole Palya Wood

Academic Excellence Committee:
Nicole Palya Wood, Chair
Dickie Bell
Jeff Bolander
Tom Galati
Jack White

Advancement and Engagement Committee:
Michael Stoltzfus, Chair
Terrie Edwards
Carly Fiorina
Nicole Palya Wood

Athletics Committee:
Dickie Bell, Chair
Joanie Eiland
Dave Rexrode
Steve Smith
Jack White

Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee:
Jeff Bolander, Chair
Larry Caudle
Tom Galati
Nikki Thacker

Finance and Physical Development Committee:
Steve Smith, Chair
Larry Caudle
Carly Fiorina
Michael Stoltzfus

Governance Committee:
Jack White, Chair
Jeff Bolander
Carly Fiorina
Kay Coles James
Dave Rexrode

Student Affairs Committee:
Terrie Edwards, Chair
Joanie Eiland
Kay Coles James
Dave Rexrode
Nikki Thacker

The Rector is an ex officio member of all standing committees.

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