The James Madison University Board of Visitors met Friday, January 18, 2013, in the Board Room of Madison’s Festival Conference and Student Center.
Following is a summary of actions taken by the board and key areas of discussion at the board meeting:
Approved the September 28, 2012 BOV meeting minutes;
- Approved committee reports from Athletics, Audit, Development, Education & Student Life, and Finance & Physical Development;
- Received the President’s Report presented by Mr. Jonathan Alger;
- Received a Strategic Planning Update presented by:
- Dr. Mark Warner, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs & University Planning
- Dr. Brian Charette, Associate Vice President for University Planning;
- Received a presentation on Disruptive Technologies: Curriculum Delivery presented by:
- Dr. Jerry Benson, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Dr. Teresa Gonzalez, Vice Provost
- Ms. Sarah Cheverton, Director, Center for Instructional Technology
- Dr. Carol Hurney, Director for Faculty Innovation;
- Received a presentation on Proposed Summer 2013 Tuition and Fees presented by:
- Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance;
- Received the Governor’s 2013-14 Budget Update presented by:
- Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance;
- Received a Presidential Inauguration Update, presented by:
- Mr. Joseph Funkhouser, JMU BOV Rector
- Actions taken following Closed Session:
- Mr. Nick Langridge has been named vice president for University Advancement
- Approved the purchase of real property at 45 East Fairview Avenue for $345,000
Was told by President Jonathan Alger:
- Listening Tour Update:
- Dozens of meetings on and off campus, including all the colleges and other academic and administrative units, student leaders and organizations, Parents Council, academic advisory groups, faculty emeriti, etc.
- Visits all around VA, CA (Bay area), Charlotte, Dallas, Philadelphia
- Special thanks to hosts at home events (Hollands, Roberts, Leeolous, Smiths)
- Hundreds of comments, shared with Madison Future Commission (strategic planning process)
- More meetings are planned for this spring (DC, Baltimore, Hampton Roads, Charlottesville, Tampa, NYC)
- Feedback from each event is shared on the website (see )
- The university is reviewing and organizing the feedback, and some key themes are consistent (e.g., importance of faculty-student interaction; public service/civic engagement; continued growth of national reputation; need for more private funding; need for competitive faculty compensation and support)
- The Listening Tour events are helping us set strategic planning and fundraising priorities;
- Task Forces at Work
- Madison Future Commission (strategic planning)
- Faculty and staff compensation
- Diversity (faculty, staff, and student issues)
- Support of junior faculty;
- Ongoing Academic Leadership Searches
- College of Business Dean
- Next year: Deans for newly configured colleges (Health and Behavioral Studies; Integrated Science and Engineering)
- Vice Provost for Research;
- Institutional Accreditation
- SACSCOC 10-year review site visit is coming in April 2013
- Preliminary report has been received and reviewed internally
- At December meeting in Dallas, JMU was featured prominently (and recognized for its strength in assessment)
- Site visit will focus on the Quality Enhancement Plan – Madison Collaborative: Ethical Reasoning in Action
- BOV members may be called upon for interviews;=
- December 2012 Commencement
- Degrees conferred on 648 undergraduates, 127 master’s, 3 educational specialist and 4 doctoral students
- Featured speaker was Justin Constantine (Class of ’92, Iraq War veteran);
- General Assembly
- 2013 General Assembly Session began on January 9 (a full report was presented by Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance);
- Admissions/Enrollment Outlook
- Early Action applications continue to go up – up by 23 percent over last year
- Hurricane Sandy is a factor in the increase as we extended the deadline for those affected, and we believe prospective students took us up on the extension
- There is a trend for out-of-state applicants to apply early rather than regular decision (other universities have seen this as well, probably due to the non-binding nature)
- Steady increase in the academic quality in early applications;
- Momentum in Fundraising
- Increases in Annual Giving, Individual Major Gifts, and Organizational Gifts with additional various gift conversations underway
- Templeton Foundation gift – Project Title: Test of Rational Thinking (Dr. Robin Anderson and Dr. Richard West, graduate psychology)
- Other significant gifts to academics and athletics;
- JMU Recognitions
- Top Fulbright ‘Producer’: Two Fulbright professors in 2012-13 (Dr. Anthony Tongen, mathematics and statistics; Dr. Sang Yoon, art, design and art history)
- National leader in Study Abroad (second nationally among similar institutions)
- Debate Team (ranked #3 and #5 out of 127 schools in the category)
- Best Values in Public Colleges for 2013 (#20)
- One of 5 regional universities in the South that operate most efficiently (US News & World Report);
- JMU’s Relay for Liff
- Won national and regional awards:
- South Atlantic Division Awards
- #1 Top Fundraising Relay Team: Duke Royale (Relay Exec) -- $46,452
- Marketing Award (best use of social media and our website to promote our events, meetings, and fundraisers): Relay for Life of JMU
- #3 Top Individual Fundraiser Award: Tina Magee -- $10,800
- National Relay for Life Awards
- #1 Nationwide Collegiate Per Capita Award (15,000-24,999 students) -- $13.04
- Nationwide Youth Team of Excellence Award: Duke Royale (Relay Exec) -- $46,452 (average of $1,601 per team member).