Wednesday, March 19, 2014
8:00-9:00 — Registration; networking
9:00-9:05 — Welcome
Timothy Walton, James Madison University
9:05-9:45 — Navigating from War to Peace: Enduring Challenges for Presidents and Citizens
Jonathan Alger, President, James Madison University
9:45-10:30 — Keynote Address
Jan Lodal, former Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
10:30-11:15 — The Historical and Bureaucratic Context of the Declassified Documents
Timothy Walton, James Madison University
11:15-11:30 — Break
11:30-12:30 — Panel / Beyond Bosnia: Ethical Reasoning in Political Deliberations about Humanitarian Intervention
Pia Antolic-Piper, William Hawk, David McGraw, Mark Piper, James Madison University
12:30-2:00 — Lunch
2:00-3:00 — Panel / New Lessons from the War in Bosnia - An Analysis Using Computational Methods
Anamaria Berea, George Mason University
Conflict Frames and the Timing of U.S. Intervention in Bosnia
John Hulsey and John Scherpereel, James Madison University
3:00-3:45 — Intervention in Bosnia: The Role of National, Bureaucratic, Political, and Humanitarian Interests in White House Decision Making
Steven Burg, Brandeis University
3:45-4:00 — Break
4:00-5:00 — Panel / Explaining U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Bosnia, 1993-95: New Evidence from Declassified Documents
Bernd Kaussler, Jonathan Keller, and Edward Yang, James Madison University
5:00-6:00 — Reception, lower level of Festival Conference and Student Center
6:30-8:00 — Dinner, Festival Conference and Student Center Ballroom
Remarks by Ljubica Acevska, former Ambassador to the United States from the Republic of Macedonia
Thursday, March 20, 2014
8:00-9:00 — Registration; networking
9:00-9:45 — Towards a New Social Memory of the Bosnian Genocide: Countering Al-Qaeda's Radicalization Myth with the CIA "Bosnia, Intelligence, and the Clinton Presidency" Archive
Frances Flannery, James Madison University
9:45-10:30 — The Impact of Intelligence on DOD Perceptions of the Bosnian Conflict, 1995
Jonathan Smith, Coastal Carolina University
10:30-10:45 — Break
10:45-11:45 — Panel / Fallen Off the Priority List: Was Srebrenica an Intelligence Failure?
Bob De Graaff, Netherlands Defense Academy and University of Utrecht
Cees Wiebes, National Coordinator for Counterterrorism staff (retired)
11:45-1:30 — Lunch
1:30-2:15 — Intelligence versus Conflict Analysis: Negative Peace at Dayton
Rhian McCoy, George Mason University
2:15-2:45 — The Compromises Necessary for the Final Deal
Timothy Walton, James Madison University
2:45-3:00 — Break
3:00-4:00 — Panel / Lessons Learned
Students from James Madison University
4:00-4:15 — Wrap Up
Timothy Walton, James Madison University