Awards for Feminist Scholarship & Creative Work
The Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program is accepting open submissions for the Faculty Award for Feminist Scholarship and Creative Work.
Purpose: To recruit, encourage and support feminist scholarship and creative work in the JMU community from both emerging and established scholars and artists.
Eligible Projects: Work must be:
- published or, in the case of creative performances, presented in the past two years;
- by members of the JMU faculty or research staff;
- by applicants who have not received the award in the past five years;
- no longer than 30 pages.
Decision Criteria
1. Originality of work or performance
2. Impact on the feminist project of ending gender-based inequality
3. Clarity and accessibility
4. Attention to human diversity
Deadline: Contact the minor coordinator for information.
Submission Process
Submit the following in the electronic form:
1. A cover letter specifying feminist contributions of project
2. A curriculum vitae
3. An abstract of the submitted project or recording highlighting its engagement with women, gender, or sexuality
4. A copy or recording of project (no more than 30 pages)
Selection Committee: The Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Advisory Board
Decision Date: Pending.
Award: $500
PLEASE NOTE: All applications will be visible on the WGSS Sharepoint site. For more information on this award, contact Dr. Mary Thompson at thompsmx@jmu.edu or (540) 568-3758. Materials will be returned upon request.
List of Previous Winners
2009 - “Quarantined: Women and the Partition” by Debali Mookerjea-Leonard
2010 - “Heroes of Hell Hole Swamp” by Dolores Flamiano
2011 - "Up and Down Purity" by Brillian Besi Muhonja
2012 - “Opposing ‘Both Sides’: Rhetorics, Reproductive Rights and Control of a Campus Women’s Center” by Matthew Ezzell
2013 - "Picturing the Past: Gender in National Geographic Reconstructions of Prehistoric Life" by Julie Solometo and Joshua Moss
2014 - "Enlightened Female Homoeroticism and Social Transformation in Catherine Trotter's Agnes de Castro" by Dawn Goode
2015 - "Sparrow" by Erica Cavanagh
2016 - "Putting Lesbians in their Place: Deconstructing Ex-Gay Discourses of Female Homosexuality in a Global Context" by Christine Robinson
2017 - "Celebrating Simms: The Story of the Lucy Simms School" by Mollie Godfrey and Sean McCarthy
2018 - "The Sound of Life: Or How Should We Hear a Fetal 'Voice'?" by Dr. Becca Howes-Mischel
"Party Institutionalization and Women's Representation in Democratic Brazil" by Dr. Kristin Wylie
Graduate Students
2014 - "Balkan Women" by Daria White
Undergraduate Students
2010 - “The Romance of the Gas Oven: Academia and the Media’s Love Affair with the Suicide of Sylvia Plath” by Mitch Hobza
2011 - “The Making of a Migrant Mother: Female Okie Identity in Dust Bowl-Era SanJoaquin Valley” by Leela Pereira
2012 - "Only Through Men" by Brooke Covington
2013 - "Mammies and Memoirs" by Anders Bruce
2014 - "Concepts of Women's Fashion and Beauty in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany" by David Motley
2015 - "Empowering Jewish Women with Water: The Mikveh" by Allison Kaye
WGSS 300 Proposals
There are two ways for classes to count for WGSS credit:
1. Courses that are not in the official WGSS curriculum can still be counted for WGSS credit by using course directives.
If you are teaching a course that is not in the curriculum, it can still be approved to count for WGSS credit (and advertised to WGSS minors). Approval is based on the instructor’s qualifications, the amount of gender/sexuality content in the course, and opportunities afforded to students to focus assignments on gender/sexuality. For more information or to propose a course for WGSS credit, contact the WGSS coordinator.
2. Propose a cross-listing.
A course that is established (or in the process of being established) in an academic unit may be cross-listed with WGSS when approved by the instructor, the AUH, and the WGSS Coordinator. Cross-listing creates a new WGSS catalog number to correspond with the home unit’s number (for example, ENG/WGSS 368). For more information about this process, contact the WGSS Coordinator.
Can I propose a special topics WGSS course?
Yes! WGSS 300 is a special topics course whose content varies. Previous topics have included Marriage Equality; Feminist Zines; Gender, Art and the Body Politic; and Sexuality, Power and Violence. To propose a new topic for this course, submit a draft syllabus (including primary and secondary sources) and your C.V. to the WGSS Coordinator for review by the WGSS Advisory Board.
Can I teach WGSS 200 “Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies”?
Yes! WGSS 200 is taught by an interdisciplinary faculty—including some who had not taught it prior to working at JMU—from across CAL and other colleges. Tenure-track faculty who are interested in teaching the course will need permission from their AUHs. For more information, contact the WGSS Coordinator.
Questions? Please email the program coordinator.