Multilingual Student Services
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Kristen Kelley, Ph.D., serves as the Multilingual Student Services Coordinator. Equitable access to quality education is Kristen's passion. She approaches working with multilingual members of the JMU community through a holistic, translanguaging approach. While providing language and academic cultural support for faculty, staff, and students in consultations and through group programs, Dr. Kelley advocates for linguistic justice in practices, policy, and culture across the university at large. Kristen specializes in working with graduate and undergraduate students on large writing projects including Honors and Master's theses, and Doctoral dissertations.
An Assistant Professor, Dr. Kristen Kelley has taught in both the graduate and undergraduate Teaching English as Second Language programs, the Equity and Cultural Diversity M.Ed. program. She currently teaches Marriage Equality, Queer Families, and Intro to Queer Studies in the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program.
Kristen earned a B.A. in Modern Foreign Language at JMU ('01) with a minor in Latin American Studies. She holds an M.A. in TESOL from the University of Delaware ('05) and a Ph.D. in Transformative Studies from the California Institute of Integral Studies ('15) where she concentrated in modern social change.