The Through Your Lens annual photography competition and Through Your Pen writing competition now have a new friend: the Through Your Brush visual arts competition! Enter your photographs, written works, and visual art pieces for a chance to be featured in this year's yearbook. 

The deadline to submit work is December 1st, 2023.  

Instructions: Please use this form to submit to one or more categories using a single submission.

View Submission Information:

Photography: "Through Your Lens"

For photography submissions, please use the Through Your Lens question to upload photography as JPEGs. You may upload up to five images, and multiple may be accepted for use in the book. Each image file name should be the title you wish to use in the yearbook.

Writing: "Through Your Pen"

For written works, use the Through Your Pen question to upload a file--may include multiple works in one file but each should have a title!

We accept all forms of creative writing including, but not limited to, poetry, short fiction and nonfiction stories, journalistic endeavors, excerpts from larger creative pieces, and beyond. You may submit as many pieces as you would like as long as each one is under 750 words.

When considering subject matter of your work, please keep in mind that this is a university publication and preference will be given to more PG topics. 

Contact the current copy editor for more information. 

Visual Art: "Through Your Brush"

For visual art submissions, please use the Through Your Brush question to upload high resolution images or scans of your work. You may upload up to three works, and multiple may be accepted for use in the book. Each image file name should be the title you wish to use in the yearbook.

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