Roger Soenksen
Professor, School of Media Arts and Design
College of Arts and Letters

Theresa Lind
Lecturer, Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management
College of Business

Kara Kavanagh 
Associate Professor, Early, Elementary, and Reading Education
College of Education

Cathy McKay
Associate Professor, Kinesiology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Stephen Marrin
Professor, School of Integrated Sciences
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Gina MacDonald
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Science and Mathematics

Sarah Brooks
Madison Foundations Coordinator, School of Art, Design and Art History
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Lori Britt
Interim Director, School of Communication Studies
College of Arts and Letters

Julia Wallace Carr
Professor, Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management
College of Business

Stephanie Wasta 
Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
College of Education

Elizabeth Edwards
Associate Professor, Kinesiology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Dudley Bonsal
Assistant Professor, School of Integrated Sciences
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Barbara Reisner
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Science and Mathematics

Dawn McCusker
Professor, School of Art, Design and Art History
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Katherine Clarke
Professor, Libraries


Mary Thompson
Professor, English
College of Arts and Letters

Susan Palocsay
Professor, Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics
College of Business

Aaron Bodle
Associate Professor, Early, Elementary, and Reading Education
College of Education

Natalie Kerr
Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Dee Weikle
Associate Professor, Computer Science
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Linette Watkins
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Science and Mathematics

Beth Cahill
Professor, School of Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Katherine Clarke
Professor, Libraries


Mark Piper
Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religion
College of Arts and Letters

Nancy Nichols
Eminent Professor, Accounting
College of Business

Smita Mathur
Associate Professor, Early, Elementary, and Reading Education
College of Education

Daniel Holt
Associate Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Michael Kirkpatrick
Associate Professor, Computer Science
College of Integrated Science & Engineering

James Sochacki
Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science and Mathematics

Cynthia Thompson
Professor, Theatre and Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Jennifer Keach
Professor, Organizational Learning and Development


Jessica Adolino
Professor, Political Science 
College of Arts and Letters

Ina Markham
Professor, Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics
College of Business

Melanie Shoffner
Professor, Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education
College of Education

Gerald Weniger
Associate Professor, Health Professions
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Amanda Biesecker
Associate Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science & Engineering

Corey Cleland 
Associate Professor, Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Shane O'Hara
Professor, Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Kelly Giles
Applied Sciences Librarian


C. Leigh Nelson
Professor, Communication Studies
College of Arts and Letters

Jason Fink
Professor, Finance
College of Business

Ekaterina Koubek
Associate Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
College of Education

Tammy Gilligan
Professor, Graduate Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Carole Nash
Associate Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science & Engineering

Gabriel Niculescu
Professor, Physics
College of Science and Mathematics

Katherine Trammell
Professor, Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Cheryl Duncan
Professor, Director, Scholarly Resources & Discovery


Charles H. Blake
Professor, Political Science
College of Arts and Letters

Gilpatrick D. Hornsby
Assistant Professor, Hospitality Management
College of Business

Joy K. Myers
Assistant Professor, Early, Elementary and Reading Education
College of Education

Melissa C. Leisen
Instructor, Nursing
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Cynthia A. Klevickis
Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science & Engineering

Dennis C. Beck
Professor, Theatre
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Sharon Gasser
Professor, Associate Dean and Director, Technical Services


Skip Hyser
Professor, History
College of Arts and Letters

David Jones
Professor, Political Science
College of Arts and Letters

Daphyne Thomas
Professor, Finance and Business Law
College of Business

Charil Baril
Professor, Accounting
College of Business

Oris Griffin
Professor, Learning, Technology and Leadership Education
College of Education

Suzanne Baker
Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

David McGraw
Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

David Carothers
Professor, Mathematics
College of Science and Mathematics

Suzanne Miller-Corso
Professor, Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Michael Galgano
Professor, History
College of Arts and Letters

Bob Kolodinsky
Professor, Management
College of Business

Michelle Cude
Associate Professor, Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education
College of Education

Terry Wessel
Professor, Health Sciences
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Henry Way
Associate Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Christopher Rose
Professor, Biology 
College of Science and Mathematics

Eric Ruple
Professor, Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Carlos Alemán
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
College of Arts and Letters

Susan Kruck
Professor, Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics
College of Business

Stephanie Wasta
Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
College of Education

Patty Hale
Professor, Nursing
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Joy Ferenbaugh
Assistant Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Eric Pyle
Professor, Geology and Environmental Science
College of Science and Mathematics

Mary Jean Speare
Associate Professor, Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Bethany Bryson
Associate Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
College of Arts and Letters

Robert Jerome
Professor, Economics and International Business
College of Business

Eric Carbaugh
Assistant Professor, Middle, Secondary, and Mathematics Education
College of Education

Brenda Ryals
Professor, Communication Sciences & Disorders
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Zachary Bortolot
Associate Professor, Integrated Science & Technology
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Michael Renfroe
Professor, Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

John Little
Professor, Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Beth Eck
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
College of Arts and Letters

Carol Hamilton
Director, Center for Entrepreneurship
College of Business

John Kidd
Associate Professor, Learning, Technology & Leadership Education
College of Education

Sharon Strang
Associate Professor, Nursing
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Jeffrey Tang
Associate Professor, ISAT and Associate Dean, CISE
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Donna Amenta
Professor and Interim Head, Chemistry
College of Science and Mathematics

Corinne Diop
Professor, Art, Design and Art History
College of Visual and Performing Arts


William O'Meara
Professor, Philosophy and Religion
College of Arts and Letters

COB Center for International Stabilization and Recovery Faculty Team:
Paul Bierly, Paula Daly, Bob Eliason, Steve Harper, Fariss Mousa, Fernando Pargas, Marion White

College of Business

Michele Estes
Assistant Professor, Learning, Technology & Leadership Education
College of Education

Cynthia O'Donoghue
Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Chris Hughes
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
College of Science and Mathematics

Bill Buck
Professor, School of Theatre and Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Dr. David Owusu-Ansah
Professor, History
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Daniel Gallagher
Professor, Management
College of Business

Dr. LouAnn Lovin 
Associate Professor, Middle, Secondary & Math Education
College of Education

Dr. Abdelrahman Rabie 
Associate Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Conley McMullen
Associate Professor, Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Prof. Pamela Johnson
Professor, School of Theatre & Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Dr. Melissa W. Aleman
Associate Professor of Communication Studies
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Michelle D. Cude
Assistant Professor of Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education
College of Education

Dr. Steven T. Garren
Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Sherry L. Serdikoff
Professor of Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. William H. K. Wightman
Professor of Art and Art History
College of Visual and Performing Art


Dr. David E. Herr

Professor of Exceptional Education
College of Education

Dr. Sidney R. Bland
Professor of History
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. W. Dean Cocking
Associate Professor of Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Richard S. Finkelstein
Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Dr. J. Edson McKee
Professor of Graduate Psychology
School of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Mert Tokman
Assistant Professor of Marketing
College of Business


Dr. Cheryl L. Beverly
Professor of Exceptional Education
College of Education

Dr. Steven W. Guerrier
Professor of History
College of Arts and Letters

Barbara J. Lewis
Professor of Art & Art History
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Dr. Carter G. Lyons 
Professor of Mathematics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Cheryl P. Talley
Associate Professor of Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

The Cyber City Leadership Team
represented by Dr. Daphyne S. Thomas, Professor of Business Law
College of Business


Dr. Thomas Dillon
Professor of Computer Information Systems and Management Science
College of Business

Dr. Lennis Echterling
Professor of Graduate Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Oris Griffin
Professor of Adult Education/Human Resource Development
College of Education

Dr. Lance Kerns
Professor of Geology and Environmental Science
College of Science and Mathematics


Dr. Robert Hanson
Professor of Mathematics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Doris Martin
Professor of Early, Elementary, & Reading Education
College of Education

Dr. Cullen Sherwood
Professor of Geology and Environmental Science
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Daphyne Thomas
Professor of Finance and Business Law
College of Business

Dr. Judith Flohr
Professor of Kinesiology
College of Integrated Science and Technology


Dr. Barbara Stern
Associate Professor of Secondary Education
College of Education

Dr. Mary Kimsey-Tacy
Associate Professor of Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Thomas DeVore
Professor of Chemistry
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Daniel Gallagher
Professor of Management
College of Business


Dr. Martha Ross
Professor of Early Childhood Programs
College of Education

Dr. Anne Stewart
Professor of Graduate Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology 

Dr. Ronald Cereola
Assistant Professor of Hospitality & Tourism Management
College of Business


Dr. Diane Foucar-Szocki
Associate Professor of Adult Education
College of Education

Dr. H. Richard Travis
Professor of Health Sciences
College of Integrated Science and Technology


Dr. Ann Marie Leonard
Professor of Early Childhood Education
College of Education

Dr. Bijan Saadatmand
Professor of Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology


Dr. Harriett Cobb
College of Education and Psychology

Dr. Robert Kolvoord
College of Integrated Science and Technology

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