In 2024-25, James Madison University will again be participating in a job satisfaction survey of full-time instructional faculty conducted by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. JMU was also involved in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020.
A new COACHE committee has been formed, and they are in the process of planning for the upcoming survey.
The COACHE survey is intended to assess faculty satisfaction with various policies, procedures and aspects of their work in terms of support for their professional performance. The survey is designed so that analyses of responses can lead directly to actions that can improve the professional lives and performance of faculty. COACHE is also a preferred benchmarking instrument, allowing universities and colleges to compare their data to selected peers, as well as a nationwide cohort.
Log in with your JMU eID and password to gain access to current and former findings.