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Charge:  The COACHE survey serves as a crucial instrument in providing insightful perspectives into the faculty experience, covering various dimensions such as teaching, research and service, promotion and tenure, departmental engagement and collegiality, leadership, governance, and more. The task force is beginning its work Spring 2024 and will continue its efforts through Fall 2025. The work of the task force will play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of our participation in the COACHE survey as we collectively strive to enhance the faculty experience and further strengthen our academic community. 


  • Gilpatrick Hornsby, Center for Faculty Innovation, co-chair
  • Juhong Christie Liu, Libraries, co-chair
  • Sojib Bin Zaman, College of Health and Behavioral Studies
  • Lihua Chen, College of Science and Mathematics 
  • Chris Hass, College of Education
  • Samuel Hernández, College of Arts and Letters
  • Jennifer Mangan, University Studies
  • Ron Rubin, College of Business 
  • Amanda Sanson, College of Integrated Science and Engineering
  • Karin Tollefson-Hall, College of Visual and Performing Arts
  • Elizabeth Oldmixon, liaison to the Office of the Provost


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