What is a Faculty Ombudsperson?
The ombudsperson is an independent and neutral third party on campus for faculty members who would benefit from a listening ear. The ombudsperson generally does not provide mediation services.
What does a Faculty Ombudsperson do?
The ombudsperson serves as a confidential resource, using an informal process to assist faculty members in a variety of work-related concerns. They do not serve as an advocate, adviser or mediator, but consider all questions and concerns objectively and impartially.
When should I contact the Faculty Ombudsperson?
You can talk with the ombudsperson at any time; however, consulting with the ombudsperson is not a substitute for participation in formal procedures.
How do I contact the Faculty Ombudsperson?
You can reach Faculty Ombudsperson David McGraw at mcgrawdk@jmu.edu. If the telephone is your preferred method of contact, please send a short e-mail message requesting a consultation and providing a phone number at which you can be reached.
Most sessions are conducted via Zoom or over the phone, but in-person meetings can also be arranged.