Chen Guo
Associate Professor, School of Media Arts and Design
College of Arts and Letters

Martin Cohen
Professor, Political Science
College of Arts and Letters

Baback Vaziri
Associate Professor, Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics
College of Business

Tiara Brown
Associate Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
College of Education

Robyn Kondrad
Associate Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Cynthia Klevickis
Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Sciences and Engineering

Colleen Watson
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science and Mathematics

Eric Guinivan
Associate Professor, School of Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Liliokanaio Peaslee
Professor, Political Science
College of Arts and Letters

James Irving
Associate Professor, Accounting
College of Business

Katya Koubek
Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
College of Education

Melanie Shoup-Knox
Associate Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

John Bowers
Associate Professor, Computer Science
College of Integrated Sciences and Engineering

Andrea Pesce
Lecturer, Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Masoud Kaveh Baghbadorani
Assistant Professor, Physics
College of Science and Mathematics

Corinne Diop
Professor, Art
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Allison Fagan
Associate Professor, English
College of Arts and Letters

Luis Novoa
Assistant Professor, Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics
College of Business

Emma Thacker
Associate Professor, Early, Elementary, and Reading Education
College of Education

Sarah Carson Sackett
Associate Professor, Kinesiology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Christopher Bachmann
Professor, Integrated Sciences 
College of Integrated Sciences and Engineering

Tony Chen
Professor, School of Integrated Sciences
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Michael Renfroe
Professor, Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Benjamin Lambert
Associate Professor, School of Theatre and Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Dennis Blanton
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
College of Arts and Letters

Irvine Clarke, III
Professor, Marketing and International Business
College of Business

Kara Kavanagh
Associate Professor, Early, Elementary and Reading Education
College of Education

Deborah Kipps-Vaughan
Professor, Graduate Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Wayne Teel
Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Cassie Williams
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science and Mathematics

Sarah Brooks
Associate Professor, Art, Design and Art History
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Daniel Schill
Professor, Communication Studies
College of Arts and Letters

Carl Larsson
Assistant Professor, Finance
College of Business

Chelsey Bahlmann Bollinger
Assistant Professor, Early, Elementary and Reading Education
College of Education

Daniel Holt
Assistant Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Stephanie Stockwell
Associate Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Patrice Ludwig
Associate Professor, Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Ingrid DeSanctis
Associate Professor, Theatre
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Michael Trocchia
Intrustor, Philosophy and Religion
General Education


Seán McCarthy
Associate Professor, Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication
College of Arts and Letters

Mert Tokman
Associate Professor, Marketing
College of Business

Noorjehan Brantmeier
Assistant Professor, Learning, Technology and Leadership Education
College of Education

Trevor Stokes
Endowed Professor, Graduate Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Nathan Sprague
Associate Professor, Computer Science
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Christopher Rose
Professor, Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Charles Dotas 
Professor, Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Kimberly DuVall
Lecturer, University Advising
General Education


Toni Whitfield
Professor, Communication Studies
College of Arts and Letters

Ali M. Shahzad
Associate Professor, Management
College of Business

Michele D. Estes
Associate Professor, Learning, Technology and Leadership Education
College of Education

David B. Daniel
Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Robert J. Prins
Associate Professor, Engineering
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Hasan Hamdan
Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science and Mathematics

W. Bryce Hayes
Associate Professor, Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Claire Lyons
Professor, Psychology
General Education


Andrew Witmer
Associate Professor, History
College of Arts and Letters

Paul Copely
Professor, Accounting
College of Business

Mary Beth Cancienne
Associate Professor, Middle and Secondary Education
College of Education

Krisztina Jakobsen
Associate Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Timothy Walton
Associate Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Elizabeth Brown
Associate Professor, Mathematics
College of Science and Mathematics

Kate Arecchi
Associate Professor, Theatre
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Geary Albright
Assistant Professor, Physics
General Education


Steven Hoeltzel
Professor, Philosophy and Religion
College of Arts and Letters

Farris Mousa
Associate Professor, Management
College of Business

Keri Bethune
Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
College of Education

Jessica Irons
Associate Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Amy Goodall
Associate Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Scott Paulson
Associate Professor, Physics
College of Science and Mathematics

Beth Chandler
Professor, Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Kathleen Ferraiolo
Associate Professor, Political Science
General Education


Mark Piper
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religion
College of Arts and Letters

Theresa Clarke
Professor, Marketing
College of Business

John Almarode
Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
College of Education

Lincoln Gray
Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Ramon Mata-Toledo
Professor, Computer Science
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Kevin Caran
Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Science and Mathematics

Robert McCashin
Professor, Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Deborah Warnaar
Lecturer, Chemistry and Biochemistry
General Education


Corey Hickerson
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
College of Arts and Letters

Matt Rutherford
Professor, Management
College of Business

Ruth Bosch
Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
College of Education

Carol Dudding
Associate Professor, Communication Sciences & Disorders
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Xunhua (Steve) Wang
Associate Professor, Computer Science
College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Kristen St. John
Professor, Geology & Environmental Science
College of Science and Mathematics

William Tate II
Associate Professor, Interior and Industrial Design
College of Visual and Performing Arts

David Daniel
Professor, Psychology
General Education 


Frances Flannery
Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religion
College of Arts and Letters

Nancy Nichols
Professor, Accounting
College of Business

Jennifer Pease
Assistant Professor, Middle, Secondary & Mathematics Education
College of Education

Tracy Zinn
Associate Professor, Psychology
College of Health and Behavioral Studies

Barbara Reisner
Associate Professor, Chemistry
College of Science and Mathematics

Scott Rikkers
Instructor, Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Kristen St. John
Professor, Geology and Environmental Studies
General Education 


Eric Fife
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
College of Arts and Letters

Jason Fink
Associate Professor, School of Accounting
College of Business

Karen Kellison
Assistant Professor, Learning, Technology & Leadership Education
College of Education

Noel Hendrickson
Assistant Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

James Sochacki
Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science and Mathematics

David Pope
Professor, School of Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Amanda Biesecker
Assistant Professor, Integrated Science and Technology
General Education


Dr. Charles Bolyard
Associate Professor, Philosophy and Religion
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Elias Semaan
Assistant Professor, Finance and Business Law
College of Business

Dr. Kristina Doubet
Assistant Professor, Middle, Secondary & Math Education
College of Education

Dr. Linda Hulton
Professor, Nursing
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Steven Keffer
Associate Professor, Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Prof. Katherine Trammell
Professor, School of Theatre and Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Dr. Carole Nash
Instructor, Integrated Science and Technology
General Education 


Dr. Carl P. Donakowski
Associate Professor of Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Mr. Philip S. Heap
Lecturer of Economics
College of Business

Dr. John T. Marafino
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. John W. Ott
Associate Professor of Art and Art History
General Education Program

Dr. Bryan K. Saville
Associate Professor of Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Robin L. Teske
Professor of Political Science
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Diane M. Wilcox
Assistant Professor of Learning, Technology and Leadership Education
College of Education


Dr. Kevin J. Apple
Associate Professor of Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Marianne I. Baker
Associate Professor of Reading Education
College of Education

Ms. Suzanne M. Miller-Corso
Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Dr. Christopher G. Murphy
Associate Professor of Biology
General Education Program

Dr. Scott P. Stevens
Professor of Computer Information Systems and Management Science
College of Business

Dr. Laura A. Taalman
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Anne M. Wiles
Professor of Philosophy College of Arts and Letters


William J. Buck
Professor of Theatre and Dance
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Dr. Michael L. Deaton
Professor of Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Scott R. Gallagher 
Associate Professor of International Business and Management
College of Business

Dr. Michelle A. Hughes
Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education
College of Education

Dr. W. Christopher Hughes
Associate Professor of Physics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. William M. O'Meara
Professor of Philosophy
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Michael M. Moghtader 
Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric
General Education Program


Dr. William Hawk 
Professor of Philosophy and Religion
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. David Herr 
Professor of Exceptional Education
College of Education

Dr. Jeff Andre 
Associate Professor Psychology
General Education Program

Dr. Cynthia Klevickis 
Professor of Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Robert Richardson
Professor of Accounting
College of Business


Dr. John (Jack) Butt 
Professor of History
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Steven Purcell 
Assistant Professor of Learning, Technology and Leadership Ed.
College of Education

Dr. Lynn Fichter 
Professor Geology and Environmental Science
General Education Program

Dr. Tony Chen 
Associate Professor of Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Lynn Fichter 
Professor Geology and Environmental Science
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Scott Milliman
Associate Professor of Economics
College of Business

Dr. James Hiatt 
Associate Professor of Music
College of Visual and Performing Arts


Dr. Pamela Johnson 
Associate Professor of School of Theatre and Dance
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Diane Foucar-Szocki 
Professor of Adult Education/Human Resource Development
College of Education

Dr. Sharon Babcock 
Associate Professor of Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Karen Ford 
Associate Professor of Social Work
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Carol Hurney 
Assistant Professor of Biology
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Alexander Gabbin 
Professor of Accounting
College of Business


Dr. Kevin J. Stees 
Associate Professor of Music
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Karen E. Santos 
Professor of Special Education
College of Education

Dr. Craig E. Abrahamson 
Associate Professor of Psychology
General Education Program

Dr. Harriet C. Cobb 
Professor of Graduate Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Charles David Pruett 
Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. David R. Fordham 
Associate Professor of Accounting
College of Business


Dr. Henry A. Myers 
Professor of History
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. T. Windsor Fields 
Professor of Economics
College of Business

Dr. Reid J. Linn 
Professor of Special Education
College of Education

Dr. Stephen E. Wright 
Associate Professor of Integrated Science & Technology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Benjamin A. DeGraff 
Professor of Chemistry
College of Science and Mathematics


Dr. Mark D. Hawthorne 
Professor of Technical and Scientific Communication
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Susan W. Palocsay 
Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems and Management Science
College of Business

Dr. Teresa T. Harris 
Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education
College of Education

Dr. John Edson McKee 
Professor of Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. William H. Ingham 
Professor of Physics
College of Science and Mathematics


Dr. William C. Wood 
Professor of Economics
College of Business

Dr. Thomas H. Arthur 
Professor of School of Theatre and Dance
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Charles W. Ziegenfus 
Professor of Mathematics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. James O. Benedict 
Professor of Psychology
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. James J. Winebrake 
Associate Professor of Integrated Science and Technology
College of Integrated Science and Technology


Dr. Bruce Gene Brunton 
Assistant Professor of Economics
College of Business

Dr. James F. Kluesner 
Professor of Music
College of Arts and Letters

Dr. Carter George Lyons 
Professor of Mathematics
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. Brenda C. Seal 
Associate Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders
College of Integrated Science and Technology

Dr. Jack H. Presbury 
Professor of Psychology
College of Science and Mathematics


Dr. Scott Paul Stevens 
Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems
College of Business


Dr. Karen E. Santos 
Associate Professor of Special Education
College of Education


Dr. Donna Amenta 
Professor of Chemistry
College of Science and Mathematics


Dr. Harold B. Teer 
Professor of Marketing
College of Business


Dr. Cynthia R. Thompson 
Professor of Theatre and Dance
College of Arts and Letters


Dr. James L. Leary 
Professor of Chemistry
College of Science and Mathematics


Dr. Vardaman Russell Smith 
Associate Professor of Economics
College of Business


Dr. Virginia C. Livingston


Dr. Joan Frederick 
Professor of English
College of Arts and Letters


Dr. John C. Klippert 
Professor of Mathematics
College of Science and Mathematics


Dr. Carol Kniebusch Noe 
Professor of Music
College of Arts and Letters


Dr. William H. Voige 
Professor of Chemistry
College of Science and Mathematics


Dr. Roger A. Soenksen 
Professor of Media Arts & Design
College of Arts and Letters


Dr. Andrew I. Kohen 
Professor of Economics
College of Business


Dr. Roger A. Hall 
Professor of Theatre and Dance
College of Arts and Letters


Dr. Ralph Alan Cohen 
Professor of English
College of Arts and Letters


Dr. Philip James


Dr. Philip F. Riley 
Professor of History
College of Arts and Letters


Dr. Philip F. Riley 
Professor of History
College of Arts and Letters

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